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What we learnt from the FMM2016 Screenshots


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  • Player Roles have some new short names such as WNG and PCR changed to 1 letter W and P
  • There are no new Central Midfielder Player Roles
  • Deep Lying Midfielder is now Deep Lying Playmaker



  • Team Instructions now have Passing Focus which can be one third of a pitch OR both flanks
  • Goalkeeper Distribution is based on Length
  • Refinements is a new sub category and is now one button for each
  • Primary Outlet is the name for Playmaker
  • There is a mysterious "Assignments" tab that I anticipate is set piece takers, captain, etc...



  • Amount of staff members is limited by stature of the club
  • The staff are real
  • Staff have a Job, Badge Qualification (Bronze, Silver or Gold), Aptitude and Specialisation
  • Coaching Specialisation is...General, Defensive, Attacking, Motivational, Goalkeeping, Youth and Fitness



  • You also get a Coaching Badge, Aptitude and Specialisation
  • You can buy this or unlock the Coaching Badge level.



  • "No Budgets in First Transfer Window" is the name for the First Window Off Preference
  • You can probably still make free transfers and loans



  • "Immediate (Loan Back)" is the Loan Back option for transfers.
  • You can only loan them back for one season


  • Everything is very black compared to the blue of previous versions
  • The User Interface looks a lot more consistent than FMH15
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I think we should assume there will be no new player roles,as surely one could be forgiven for thinking that, if there were new player roles, SI would show them off?

Looks good though, happy about the neater interface, 15 looked like it was made by a 3 year old with the rainbow colour scheming ??. Either that or the skin was evolved from a gay pride poster ??

Although I think some people may dislike the almost all-black theme in places, but that'll keep the custom skin makers here on vibe busy ?

Not a fan of the shorter role abbreviations, not sure why though ? I do however like the change from DLM to DLP, as deep lying playmaker better sums up what they do.?

Edited by Fish18ish
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My opinion.....

Don't like the black skin I feel it needs more of a bright vibrant colour, Don't like the short abbreviations for player roles apart from them 2 points everything else looks good

I think the new tactical roles will only be available on Enhanced I don't think the will be available on original but time will tell 

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2 minutes ago, leecutler said:

If I wanted to play more realistic them I would just play FM 


But you don't have FM mate so it would be good for people who can't afford a PC to be able to play that kind of game hence why FMM2016 exists

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Just now, UKFootballScore said:

But you don't have FM mate so it would be good for people who can't afford a PC to be able to play that kind of game hence why FMM2016 exists

Yeah I agree, it comes down to personal preference tbh.

For me Enhanced is just too long

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6 minutes ago, UKFootballScore said:

That is where the 'instant result' comes into play :P:P

I could always try Enhanced I'm always open to change :D

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Personally I love the darker skin, reminds me of the PSP which I've always liked more than the IOS versions, as already stated the 2015 skin was awful. 

I also don't like the shorted role names but I'm sure we'll get used to it. Dec you missed that the DLM was changed to DLP, unless you didn't feel it was worth mentioning. 

I think the game will have some surprises on release, seems daft showing it all potentially so far from release. The fact they've kept the assignments tab hidden could indicate other new things. 

Marc has said countless times that FMH/M will never have an instant result option. Tbh that's a poor arguement anyway, surely they want us to enjoy playing the game and not just skimming through it? On FIFA I see the need due to match lengths, so IMO adding it to FMM just shows that matches last too long. 

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Adding instant result won't be so bad, as it will be the player's choice whether to skip it or not, they should let the customer decide whether they want to view the match or not since the customer pays for it.

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Isn't the point of the enhanced engine to be "it's super realistic and fun so we must react to it's greatness in order to win?"

Instant results completely beats the point of the engine. The we've bought it so we should have a say arguement has no legs within FMM, with the engines being the perfect example. Last year was play the new engine or having nothing new and I expect this year to be the same but even worse. 

I'd be overjoyed if the OME was revealed to have these new features, in fact it would likely make up for 2015 for me personally but I just can't see it happening. I wanted to hang my hat on the fact the EME will be quicker and more enjoyable but when you see members of staff saying they don't see the speed problems as an issue it's hard to know what to think. 


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I dont think the speed is too bad tbh @Ashez I think when your used to going through the seasons as fast as you are Thays what you enjoy. Although I personally enjoy playing the game just as the game and not for Vibe. When playing a Vibe Challenge yeah its better being quicker but think about it from the aspect of a player who doesn't go on here and post challenges or careers? They will want an experience that allows them to play how the game was made to be played not just speeding straight through everything as fast as possible to complete a challenge on a website.

In retrospect there's alot more people who play the game out side of Vibe right now than post on here about 90% infact so are you saying that SI should cater for the 10% from here more than the 90% if so then that's stupid imo

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That's two different points. I don't enjoy the speed purely for the fact it's quicker to play but because myself and many others find the EME boring. It has nothing to do with Vibe that I want to play fast, I want to play fast as I feel like I've achieved something every season and the next time I get to that rush the better IMO. 

I've not played a Vibe career since August, since then I've played plenty on both engines, on the OME I can play half a season with ease, on the EME I'm generally bored within a month. That's not me being annoyed about the speed or any other issues, that's the game boring me so much I want to turn it off. Meanwhile if I go back to the OME I get all excited and that feeling of "one more match" back. I've felt a lot more "I wish this match would hurry up and finish" on the EME compared to how the OME makes me feel. 

Vibe has never and will never speak for the community on a whole and I certainly will never speak for Vibe, however this site is a section of players who express how they feel and you can't hide from the fact the engine has the community divided. Most people who play FMH will tell you speed is one of the reasons they love the game, all you have to do is look at the uproar and comments since 2015 to see that. Sure it's not all the community but it's a vocal aspect of it. 

I love the way you're calling me out for saying the game is slow and IMO that's an issue, meanwhile you're pushing holidaying during saves and instant results, make up your mind. You're happy with the speed of the engine and you want to play it or you don't. :P 

Anyway that's enough off topic as this debate has gone on for months and I'm sure it's only going to continue into 2016. 

I did have one idea though. Could there be a reason why the player roles have changed? Is it just to feel fresh or are there reasons for it? For example could poacher now be P because PCR is now "pass completion rate?"

Unfortunately I can't come up with anything to support this idea with the winger role but I thought I'd throw it out there :P 

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What community divide ? Most people still prefer the original engine from what I have seen, I want the EME to be quicker but those that like the slower approach should be allowed an option to slow the match speed down and this case is the same for the instant result option, it will be the player's choice whether to use it or not. If someone enjoys to skip the match, then they should be allowed to skip the match. PERIOD.

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That's my point and why I'm frustrated. Most people here like the OME and they should have the choice, however we don't unless these new features are on the OME as well. If the OME doesn't have these features you are forced to play an engine you don't like as much or to basically still be playing 2014. If the OME stays the same and the speed of the EME isn't faster one part of the community has been favoured while the other side gets nothing. 

I really, really want to love the EME but it's just too boring and another year stuck with 2014's engine sounds just as awful, especially as we have no new leagues to test out. You can change the match speed, that's already in the game, the issue is it doesn't have a fast enough option and including loading screens the EME take forever. Let's not forget that after being out a year DMC/BWM's still don't work properly on this amazing engine, IMO it's the most important role on the pitch IRL yet it doesn't work in game, nice. 

I have no issue with the instant result discussion, I personally wouldn't like to see it implemented as it takes the point away from the game, however all I was doing is pointing out the fact that the maker of the game has said countless times it won't be added. 

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It does work though mate the DM's are fine they just work different to other roles etc its up to the manager to make them work is it not? Don't blame the game

All I have been saying is that you could use holidaying as a kind of instant result button as thats how it works currently

I think thats the route they are going with so we just got to take it or leave it imo

They arent catering specifically to one group who like the EME just thats the way they clearly are going and I've just enjoyed it as much as the OME

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Tbh of you want to stay on pick up and play stay on FMH2013 as thats when they got it spot on or at a stretch FMH2014 since then they have realised they needed to step it up and they have with the EME imo

Your argument of having the two year loans and extra transfer things added will take much more away from the pick up and play aspect than the EME

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Although having just seen your post on the Adebayor thread you are also skeptical about that aswell lol

The series is on the balance of shifting this year and I feel they need to decide which way they are going either stay as is with the pick up and play or move onto making it more and more detailed which is why I think they have re branded it to FMM to make the point that they have decided to go more detailed even clearer

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Its at that point where they need me features every year to all the game but are stuck for ideas on what to add into the game

FMH2014 and 15 shows this with the IGE and MyClub added in because they arent really cramming the game but its nice new features

Whereas now they have clearly opened up to the fact more people would prefer a more detailed game they will have a tonne of features they can add which I expect will come in this year and the next


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I don't think they are stuck for ideas, I just believe staff wise they are limited by SEGA not allowing them to hire more people and are cautious about overloading the game to ruin the pick up feel.

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I loved 2013 but it had a lot of flaws, however it was fun which is something the series has lost in recent years IMO. My favourite FMH is on the PSP as it was complex yet simple and a joy to play, sure the engine wasn't ideal but as it stands it would be the ideal middle ground between the OME and the EME. 

It's worth noting everything I post isn't necessarily things I want in the game, they are posted purely as content or for discussion purposes. 

Personally I wouldn't change the transfer aspect of the game at all. The only thing I've truely wanted added during my ten year stint with the series is more leagues and better use of regens.

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Just now, hardikchawla6 said:

To be honest I think they should either port the entire pc game to mobile and focus on 3 different games, I don't really see the point of FMT.

FMT is a port of the FM PC game, however mobiles cannot and probably will never have the power to run the full game. FMT is designed to be quicker and run on tablets, meaning it has more of a pick up and play element that devices are used to but the detail that FMM lacks.

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Surely calling it fmm m meaning mobile instead of handheld shows they are wanting to keep the pick up and play aspect?

I much prefer the ome as its a lot faster and I have tried the eme and I don't like it.. for me the enhanced detailed style of play is for fm or the new tablet version not for phones which is the way it should be hence the term mobile gaming..

Looks impressive so far in terms of what we have been shown but if the changes only apply to the eme that may be an issue for me personally as I prefer the faster gameplay but I'll have to explore it myself before choosing the engine I use as they couldve fixed it all 

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On 12 November 2015 11:23:26, UKFootballScore said:


It does work though mate the DM's are fine they just work different to other roles etc its up to the manager to make them work is it not? Don't blame the game


I don't know about that. From the start of this iteration, DMs have been constantly marked down, with consequent loss of morale, regardless of their passing accuracy, and playing a Pirlo type (as opposed to a Makele type) has been disastrous. I stopped using the DM line in midfield altogether which is unsatisfactory.  recognising the playmaker role with the new abbreviation is a start, and hopefully it will be borne out in the game. But Ashez is right - it's pretty unsatisfying as it stands.  Mind you, I'm still waiting to here someone in real football use the phrase Advanced Forward.

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