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Challenges Becoming The Best In History


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Becoming The Best In History:




It's a world cup year and everyone is talking about who's going to light up the tournament, in particular everyone is talking about Pele, Maradona, Messi and Ronaldo. To truly be the best player in history you have to deliver the World Cup at international level! Pele and Maradona will forever be held in history as footballing gods but the lack of silverware at international level thus far for Messi and Ronaldo is holding them back to being the best of a generation and not the best in history.




The Challenge:


To get a player to win the World Cup and be crowed world player of the year in the same season.




1. You can not start with the national job, you must earn it on that save

2. You can start in any league you want

3. No unlockables at all!

4. No use of the save game editor, pre game editor, text changes or my club is allowed. 

5. No cheating, this includes reloading saves.

6. Evidence must be given, i'd suggest posting a career thread for us to follow.




Leader board:


Thank you for viewing and good luck.



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