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Clear All/Select All - AI Squad Picking Issue


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Is anyone else noticing the clear all/select all (AI selecting your squad) is acting fishy?

Yes I'm lazy and I use it all the time then make edits after but I'm seeing some strange things. I'm LFC with no one sold and the AI would rather play an unfit (red rated) Agger over Skrtel, Lovren, Caulker Kolo and so on. It also has a fascination with putting Can there but that's somewhat understandable. 

Then a lot of the time the players aren't really suited to the roles they're being placed in, noticed it seems to have gotten worse this year as last year I don't recall thinking about it. I've seen Neymar put as a BWM and all sorts of oddities. 

Is it just me as I've not heard much else about it. 

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I've a couple of instances where ive used it then gone into a game and then noticed the line up is strange like having a Natural Striker on the wing and a Natural Winger as Striker 

It was Dybala put as a winger and Ronaldo put as a Striker thought that was strange tbh

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It's only the same as when the AI does it for the team your playing against. It chooses players in rolls that may best effect the match. I complain about Porto all the time with Aboubaker pulling the strings as a CM and creating goals out of nothing. 

I never use it myself but have seen others in the tactic section swear by auto pick and it seems to deliver better results (due to AI knowing/guessing the selected player will do well in that roll?)

The Neymar example is a good one, maybe the opposition sit deep allowing the b2b to pick the ball up and run at the defence. Your opponents may also play defensive which means he will have little defending to do. Against a different AI tactic with a better team I'm sure auto pick would choose someone else. 

Remember the AI can see far more than we can and it has a crystal ball. It knows the opposition line up and tactic before we do which allows auto pick to exploit any weakness. 

Well that's my guess anyway. 

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The Auto Picker has no knowledge of the opposition tactics ahead of time. We do have it down to be possibly improved at some point, but then isn't half of the point of the game picking your own team?

Edited by Alari
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5 hours ago, Alari said:

The Auto Picker has no knowledge of the opposition tactics ahead of time. We do have it down to be possibly improved at some point, but then isn't half of the point of the game picking your own team?

Yes, but dragging and dropping 16 players every match would be a pain in the Arse and a time sink. As I said I CA/SA then make edits as desired, it saves time and gets things moving quicker, or it would if the AI made logical selections. 

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1 hour ago, UKFootballScore said:

Tbf you could always have a selection saved and edit that each time??

At least you know it would be close to what you want

Not a bad idea at all. 

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