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Help Can German reserve teams get promoted?

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Hello All,

I was wondering if I decided to play as RBL what would the chances be of their reserve team getting promoted to the 3rd division from a non playable league? Would the players I demote to the 2nd team have any impact on their probability to make it happen with better talent?

Any help is appreciated.


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B team, RBL II.

I wasn't sure the effects of the German Regional Division's not being view-able/playable. Would teams still get promoted to the 3rd Division, and if so would sending my promising players to RBL II help them even if they aren't view-able matches?

Edited by AlaskanHammer
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Awesome, thanks Dec. That's kinda what I was thinking too. 

Giving it a try either way though, hoping pro level players will help make the jump.

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3 hours ago, Dec said:

Then yes it is possible I believe. Not sure if you can influence it though,

Pretty sure it is prevented by reputation?

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Sure I saw a test of the likelihood of inactive B teams getting into active leagues and it is entirely down to reputation. Although this might have been for FM not FMM ?

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