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Career The best of the euros

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The way this career is going to work is I am going to take control of Manchester City, and I am going to have one player from each country currently playing in the euros and that will make 24 players and thats it no other players. I am aiming to make this a career where I aim to get as much success as possible and hopefully last as long as possible. Anyone who I'm not intending to use from the squad I have has been demoted and transfer listed.

updates will come as soon as I can.

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I was thinking along the same lines too! I might have a bash and see how far I get.

Gonna take some proper wheeler dealing in the transfer market!

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Season 1




I however ran out of money and was unable to get anyone portugeuse however I did this in Januaryimage.thumb.png.ace7511cdda3d4d7df19abc9 

League and cups

but before I start I just want to show this win in the champions league semi finalimage.thumb.png.2017e2b43f3dbe5b56e5fb13

I managed to win the league cup and reached the final of the champions league, but the main priority was the league.


only just?

End of season awards


so close to a clean sweep.

onto next season image.thumb.png.2d0c05d496e77d19d80017bd







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13 hours ago, Real_Random said:

Nice start can't wait for next season

Thanks for the support 

3 hours ago, danovic78 said:

Great start, tight win on the league. I see we picked the same Hungarian and Albanian players, not many to choose from!

No not much choice tbh

Sneak peak of whats to comeimage.thumb.png.7d3af4d3c8d419baa708e8be

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