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Chat Annoying green color


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Is it possible to change this annoying green color in FMM16 to any other color? When I prees anywhere where is green automaticly it changes to red. So I would like to change it if I can. Anyone know how to do it??





Edited by groove22
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1 hour ago, Dec said:

Thanks guys. I thought he meant it was sticking on the red after he presses it and it has turned green. Sorry.

I already told it's not any kind of bug. I just ask is it somehow possible to change color of this text in any other, for example in white or in blue

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1 minute ago, Alari said:

This is set in code so not skinnable.

tnx for reply...and I would like that you change it in FMM17, because it would be nice if there is any other color then this FLUORESCENT green color ;):)

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I don't know whether or not the colour will stay the same, but it's technically impossible to make the colour skinnable.

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3 minutes ago, Alari said:

I don't know whether or not the colour will stay the same, but it's technically impossible to make the colour skinnable.

tnx on your fast reply, and yes now I know that it's impossible to change it, but as I already said I hope to see any more natural color then this one.

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