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Career My #1 challenge story

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Hey guys, today I will be atempting my very own the #1 challenge. It is going to be very long and I will be only posting a job offer, end of season results and my trophy cabinet.

The countries that I  will be playing in is England, Spain, Germany,Italy

I am also going to be a gold fitness coach as well


Job offer coming soon, if I get a job offer


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I got a job!!!!!



Now we will just see where the future take us but the first order of business  is to get a playoff spot for the chance to win promotion  

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Nice job mate in getting a job. Bit of a shame you missed the transfer windows but at least you have a fair amount of time to achieve your goals

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2 hours ago, Real_Random said:

Nice job mate in getting a job. Bit of a shame you missed the transfer windows but at least you have a fair amount of time to achieve your goals

Thanks but I didn't exactly  missed the transfer windows I think the loan and free transfer windows are couple  days after

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End of season report

We had a alright first season as a manager but in the end tings went wrong. We made it to the playoffs but after winning 2-0 against Wycombe Wanders we were flying high until they beat us 5-2 in extra time.Screenshot_2016-07-13-02-21-26.thumb.pngScreenshot_2016-07-13-02-21-41.thumb.png

The sad news because the club had no way to give me money and the wage budget was 3x less the the current wage bill I sadly had to do it RESIGN.Screenshot_2016-07-13-02-24-25.thumb.png

Sorry but it had to be done

Edited by Jervon Esprit
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