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Help Are your coaches influencing players?


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So I’m in my 3rd season with Arsenal, had all my coaches except 1 since the beginning. They’re all natural aptitude and gold certified, but none have ever influenced a player in my squad. Has anyone got proof this is possible yet?






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I've never seen that before but I don't think anyone knows how the system works, for me on 2018 if was always random who showed up there. 

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56 minutes ago, Ashez said:

I've never seen that before but I don't think anyone knows how the system works, for me on 2018 if was always random who showed up there. 

I don’t know if it makes a difference, assuming it’s significance has changed with the training update. Still, be interesting to know if anyone’s been able to get players on the lists or if it’s bugged.

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Not seen a single player appear there. Have swapped out coaches and tries on English and Italian teams. 

Assuming bugger. Not fixed in today's update. 

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It's a known bug. Happens for me too. Alari said this in the training thread

"Re the coaches having influence on players - this is being looked into at present, we think largely a display issue but there are a couple of edge cases where we are making additional tweaks."

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On 17/04/2020 at 13:36, Salman Akhtar said:

all these comments in the thread are of 2 years ago, meanwhile i am still having the same problem.

Any help?

Have you updated your game to the latest version? In my current career each of my three coaches has some players they are influencing, and they are two silvers and one gold.

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On 17/04/2020 at 13:36, Salman Akhtar said:

all these comments in the thread are of 2 years ago, meanwhile i am still having the same problem.

Any help?

They are indeed influencing player's now. Even some of my player's think they work well with them.

Try appointing one of them to take care of training.

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