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Help How to make players more goals and assist

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I'll tend to have some steps like Choosing coaches of your club is for me the first step. 1 attacking and 3 fitness and put yourself as attacking will be the easiest way if you're a real try hard dude

Then surely the training which seems so overpowered this year. Aerial and Target Man for strikers then when it's 18~20 change to Trequartista and weak major attribute (Movement, Pace, Shooting, Decision, Stamina and Strenght), For Wingers and Wing Backs train their Dribbling, Passing, Crossing, Pace, Tackling, Stamina and Decision. Attacking Midfielders train their Passing, Decision, Movement, Creativity and Stamina

Not sure about Central Midfielders as I mostly got few assist from them. But I'll just tell my training which is train them as the normal CM regardless of their roles you're playing and focus on Stamina most importantly the their Passing, Creativity, Decision, Movement, Tackling and Strenght

Finally the setup. Formation are vary from style of play but If you wanted to have your striker scoring 70+ a season don't use a 3 or 2 striker position as it'll make them sharing amounts of goals

Mentality is hard to tell which is the best but I go for control or counter most of the time. Defensive somehow works for @Scratch 😂. Tempo, Width and creativity mostly on Fast, Narrow and Expressive

Attacking instruction depends on own experiment but shoot on sight should be avoided as CMs will steal shit tons of goals (ask Zaniolo who did this even if he plays as a CB). Short passing will work greatly because possession wins you game except Man City

Defendsive instruction wouldn't do much. I'll change the combination everytime


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1 hour ago, Lord Danish said:

I'll tend to have some steps like Choosing coaches of your club is for me the first step. 1 attacking and 3 fitness and put yourself as attacking will be the easiest way if you're a real try hard dude

Then surely the training which seems so overpowered this year. Aerial and Target Man for strikers then when it's 18~20 change to Trequartista and weak major attribute (Movement, Pace, Shooting, Decision, Stamina and Strenght), For Wingers and Wing Backs train their Dribbling, Passing, Crossing, Pace, Tackling, Stamina and Decision. Attacking Midfielders train their Passing, Decision, Movement, Creativity and Stamina

Not sure about Central Midfielders as I mostly got few assist from them. But I'll just tell my training which is train them as the normal CM regardless of their roles you're playing and focus on Stamina most importantly the their Passing, Creativity, Decision, Movement, Tackling and Strenght

Finally the setup. Formation are vary from style of play but If you wanted to have your striker scoring 70+ a season don't use a 3 or 2 striker position as it'll make them sharing amounts of goals

Mentality is hard to tell which is the best but I go for control or counter most of the time. Defensive somehow works for @Scratch 😂. Tempo, Width and creativity mostly on Fast, Narrow and Expressive

Attacking instruction depends on own experiment but shoot on sight should be avoided as CMs will steal shit tons of goals (ask Zaniolo who did this even if he plays as a CB). Short passing will work greatly because possession wins you game except Man City

Defendsive instruction wouldn't do much. I'll change the combination everytime


Thanks bro for your information😊

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Also as a rule at least from my limited experience you never want to put a player like MilSav as your assister because he is in the green for shooting and is more prone to take a shot. Also go to their positions page and look at their traits. Don’t put someone who plays no through balls as your star AP.

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21 minutes ago, SophiaFM said:

Overload mentality is good and useful for goals. But you need a good defence with it! Otherwise there’ll be many high scoring games 

Overload imo is overkill, if you want goals better to use attacking.


That said, if you play a 5221 (flat 5) I would understand. It all depends on two things, in my opinion: whether you have an anchor/bwm/dm (not DLP) in your DM spot, and how much pace and positioning your defenders have. Just my two cents there, of course use whatever works


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49 minutes ago, SirSpankorama said:


Overload imo is overkill, if you want goals better to use attacking.


That said, if you play a 5221 (flat 5) I would understand. It all depends on two things, in my opinion: whether you have an anchor/bwm/dm (not DLP) in your DM spot, and how much pace and positioning your defenders have. Just my two cents there, of course use whatever works


Tbh overload is good if you had balanced enough formation and setup I've been using Overload with 4-2-3-1 and having 







not really needing a real superstar teams but if got decent players on the right spot you'll win impressively


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LOL, I do use Defensive for my 1KC tactic. 😄  

It's works pretty good for me - I'm on track to complete a 2KC for goals and 1KC for assists, but of course there's a lot of things that come into play (I have a very strong team in a weak league, I'm on the pre winter update version, it might only work for the specific combination of tactics that I use, etc). Though it doesn't work against all formations and I do swap to Attacking when that happens.

I used to use Overload a lot in FMM18, but couldn't make it work in 19. I find Attacking seems to work better for me.

Anyway, there is a lot of tactics gold from various people in this thread: 


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