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Help Help..NEEDED(data files)


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I have a question.  And sorry for my bad english

I've been making my own graphic files for the game since FMH2015.

And I came to a problem, that FMM2020 has no files or folders containing graphical files.

For example, fmm2019 had graphics,retina.. folders containing files at android/data folder.

But this time in com.sega folder at Android, there is no folders containing anything related to graphics, also at FMM2020 folder at document folder.

Well I can find player pictures (original-android folder) and can apply new pictures by adding pictures to document/fmm2020... folder

but thats all i can figure out. 

Those anyone has similar problems like me that folders dont appear at data folder?

And if so is there a resolve for it?

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It's really not easy this year. The files that we are used to seeing are all compressed inside a single OBB file. On my phone it's 763MB and called main.1103270278.com.sega.soccer.obb

From what I could tell it's in FMF format, which means you need the Football Manager 2020 Resource Archiver to unzip it (on a computer). But it seems the only way to get that is to buy the full FM game... I haven't done that, so I don't even know if that will work, it's just what I could piece together from searching the Internet.

Maybe there is a way to apply new pictures just by copying them somewhere (ie not inside the .obb). I think that's likely, but I'm just guessing and don't have any info on how to do that sorry..

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Can confirm it's exactly as explained above. That @Scratch guy is a real wizard and a half - if you're unsure of anything, ask Scratch and he knows about it!

And he's right, you do need to have FM on pc for access to the Resource Archiver. I use the 2019 version and that works just as well. Alternatively, you can also place your graphic files into android/data/com.sega.soccer/data/installed/ to overwrite the obb file.

I also edit my graphics and it's a little inconvenient this year but at least it's still possible. Honestly, the day the developers prevent graphical tweaks is the day I'll stop playing, since the colour scheme and tiny font just hurt my eyes! Have no idea how people can handle it, they're probably all wizards!!

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On 11.02.2020 at 03:12, Thirsk said:

Могу подтвердить, что это в точности так, как описано выше. Который@Царапина парень настоящий волшебник и наполовину - если вы в чем-то не уверены, спросите Скретча, и он об этом узнает!

И он прав, вам действительно нужно иметь FM на ПК для доступа к Resource Archiver. Я использую версию 2019 года, и она тоже работает. Кроме того, вы также можете поместить свои графические файлы в android / data / com.sega.soccer / data / installed /, чтобы перезаписать файл obb.

Я также редактирую свою графику, и в этом году это немного неудобно, но, по крайней мере, это все еще возможно. Честно говоря, в тот день, когда разработчики предотвратят графические изменения, я перестану играть, поскольку цветовая схема и крошечный шрифт просто режут мне глаза! Понятия не имею, как люди могут с этим справиться, они, наверное, все волшебники !!

Hello. If you have Resource Archiver 2019 can you open the .obb file from FMM2020? I need one file, which is located in the "languages" folder and is called "english.ltc"! It weighs about 2MB, but I really need it. Please.

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22 hours ago, Rus7M said:

Hello. If you have Resource Archiver 2019 can you open the .obb file from FMM2020? I need one file, which is located in the "languages" folder and is called "english.ltc"! It weighs about 2MB, but I really need it. Please.

Sorry, I don't have the resource archiver (any version) so I don't know... Hopefully someone will know?

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