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Career Ian - The Liverpool Front Three - Another attempt


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The Liverpool Front Three

Here’s my attempt at The Liverpool Front Three Challenge created by @Rob.

I made a few transfers with the intention of adding a bit of creativity to the midfield and improve the squad options for certain positions. Gündogan and Ziyech were the two midfielders I brought in with the former's name still haunting me from a certain failed challenge last year and Ziyech getting a run out for the second time under my management after using him last year on my double trouble attempt at Ajax so hopefully he’ll do the business in England. I offloaded Clyne and Lovren and replaced them with Zappacosta and McKenna respectively in the hope that they’d actually be upgrades. We have Milner who can play either side at wing back and my original idea was to bring in a left sided guy and use Millie as back up to Trent but I had a couple of let downs in the market and my options were wearing thin so I ended up going for a right sided guy instead in Zappacosta.




I went with the following system so you can see the similarities to @BatiGoal’s system with the same central midfield setup. The passing is set to go through the middle to try and get the three main men involved in as many goals as possible. I put Bobby to the number ten position with the other two up top as they are more prolific, well that was the idea behind it anyway. I went with Mané to the right, Salah to the left and as first choice corner taker as the guy on the right always goes to the near post for corners and Mané has the better aerial out of the two. The centre backs are set as ball playing defenders below but I reckon it’s been half and half with them often being just central defenders and I can’t say I’ve noticed any real difference yet but they’re both ballers which could explain that I guess.


It worked well as the vast majority of our goals went through the three players and as a few of you may have seen at the Record Store we hit the jackpot in the semi final of the Club World Championship as we pummelled poor Odisha 15-0 with 11 of the goals coming from our trio and seven of those from the main man Salah as he went absolutely crazy towards the end.


We reached the real life cut off point and were ahead of where Liverpool currently are having only drawn one league game so a nice achievement but unfortunately we didn’t quite have the humongous 25 point lead. Unfortunately we lost out to Chelsea in the Caramel Cup final and to say it was frustrating would be an understatement as we were by far the better side but just couldn’t score, well we could but I’m guessing VAR went against us with two horrible disallowed goals for Salah in the first half.



We ended up winning the rest of the competitions but did have a few scares in the Champions League, notably a 3-1 first leg defeat away at Bayern Munich in the quarter final which gave us a tricky job for the second leg at Anfield. Luckily we did enough and we were never really troubled in any competition after that and ran out dominant league champions with 112 points and a goal difference of 94.




The three boys performed well with Salah knocking in a rather impressive 44 goals and 44 assists, Mané hitting 50 goals and 25 assists and Bobby chipping in with 31 goals and 16 assists to score a combined player total of 210. Add on our league points and goal difference and we arrive at a score of 416 for the challenge so I’m very happy with that. We were lucky enough to not suffer any injuries to the main men and the amount of game time the boys could withstand in this system was very impressive. I’ve used Salah and Mané as inside forwards loads and the difference in their fitness between that and in this system was like chalk and cheese. I just managed them as usual and tried to keep them from becoming jaded and usually as inside forwards they’d end up having to come off early every game but I found myself able to give them much more time and even a fair few full games. I think Mané featured in every single game and it was Bobby as shadow striker who was the hardest to manage and missed a few games due to tiredness. Bobby was slightly disappointing here though so I may try him up top with the boys next time as if I could improve their numbers I could challenge the top of the leaderboard. I mean it’s not going to be often they’ll be able to get in this game time with injuries etc but if I could improve the system and get more goals in general we’d be in with a chance and it’s a fun challenge to play so it’s highly likely I’ll go again at some point.






Mohamed Salah: 44 goals and 44 assists = 88

Sadio Mané: 50 goals and 25 assists = 75

Roberto Firmino: 31 goals and 16 assists = 47

League Points: 112

Goal Difference: 94

Total: 416


Thank you for reading

Edited by Ian
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56 minutes ago, Ian said:

Ливърпулската челна тройка

Ето моя опит за Ливърпул Front Three Challenge, създаден от @Rob .

I made a few transfers with the intention of adding a bit of creativity to the midfield and improve the squad options for certain positions. Gündogan and Ziyech were the two midfielders I brought in with the former's name still haunting me from a certain failed challenge last year and Ziyech getting a run out for the second time under my management after using him last year on my double trouble attempt at Ajax so hopefully he’ll do the business in England. I offloaded Clyne and Lovren and replaced them with Zappacosta and McKenna respectively in the hope that they’d actually be upgrades. We have Milner who can play either side at wing back and my original idea was to bring in a left sided guy and use Millie as back up to Trent but I had a couple of let downs in the market and my options were wearing thin so I ended up going for a right sided guy instead in Zappacosta.




Продължих със следната система, така че да видите приликите с @BatiGoalсистема със същата централна настройка на полузащитата. Проходът е предназначен да премине през средата, за да се опита да вкара тримата главни мъже, участващи в колкото се може повече цели. Поставих Боби на позиция номер десет заедно с другите две нагоре, тъй като те са по-плодотворни, добре, че това беше идеята зад него. Отидох с Мане отдясно, Салах вляво и като първи избор на ъгъл, тъй като човекът отдясно винаги отива до близкия стълб за ъглите, а Мане има по-добрата антена от двете. Центровите гърбове са зададени като защитници, които играят с топка отдолу, но смятам, че половината и половината често са само централни защитници и не мога да кажа, че съм забелязала някаква реална разлика все още, но и двамата са балерини, които биха могли да обяснят, че аз предполагам.


Работи добре, тъй като по-голямата част от нашите цели преминаха през тримата играчи и като няколко от вас може би сте виждали в Record Store,  ние уцелихме джакпота на полуфинала на клубното световно първенство, докато накарахме горката Одиша 15-0 с 11 от целите, идващи от нашето трио, и седем от тези от основния мъж Салах, тъй като той полудя абсолютно луд към края.


Ние стигнахме до реалния живот и сме изпреварили мястото, където Ливърпул в момента има само една лига, така че е хубаво постижение, но за съжаление не успяхме да имаме доста хумористичната преднина от 25 точки. За съжаление загубихме от Челси на финала за купата на Карамел и да кажем, че е разочароващо би било подценяване, тъй като бяхме далеч от по-добрата страна, но просто не можахме да вкараме, а можехме, но предполагам, че VAR тръгна срещу нас с двама ужасни забранени голове за Салах през първото полувреме.



В крайна сметка спечелихме останалата част от състезанията, но имахме няколко уплаши в Шампионската лига, по-специално 3-1 поражение в първия мач в Байерн Мюнхен на четвъртфинала, което ни даде трудна работа за втория мач на „Анфийлд“. За щастие направихме достатъчно и никога не бяхме наистина затруднени в никоя конкуренция след това и излязохме доминиращи шампиони в лигата със 112 точки и голова разлика 94.




Трите момчета се представиха отлично, като Салах почука с доста впечатляващи 44 гола и 44 асистенции, Мане отбеляза 50 гола и 25 асистенции, а Боби вкара с 31 гола и 16 асистенции, за да вкара комбиниран играч общо 210. Добавете точки от нашата лига и голова разлика и стигаме до резултат 416 за предизвикателството, така че съм много доволен от това. Имахме късмет, че не претърпяхме никакви наранявания на основните мъже и количеството време за игра, което момчетата могат да издържат в тази система, беше много впечатляващо. Използвал съм Salah и Mané като вътре натоварвания напред и разликата във тяхната годност между това и в тази система беше като тебешир и сирене. Просто ги управлявах както обикновено и се опитвах да не ги избягвам и обикновено като вътре напред, в крайна сметка трябваше да слязат по-рано от всяка игра, но открих, че мога да им дам много повече време и дори доста няколко пълни игри. Мисля, че Мане участва във всяка една игра и Боби като нападател на сянка е най-трудният за управление и пропусна няколко мача поради умора. Боби беше леко разочароващ тук, въпреки че може би следващия път може да го пробвам с момчетата, сякаш бих могъл да подобря броя им. Искам да кажа, че няма да бъде често, те ще могат да влязат в това време на игра с наранявания и т.н., но ако успея да подобря системата и да постигна повече цели, като цяло ще имаме шанс и е забавно да играем така че е много вероятно да отида отново в някакъв момент. Мисля, че Мане участва във всяка една игра и Боби като нападател на сянка е най-трудният за управление и пропусна няколко мача поради умора. Боби беше леко разочароващ тук, въпреки че може би следващия път може да го пробвам с момчетата, сякаш бих могъл да подобря броя им. Искам да кажа, че няма да бъде често, те ще могат да влязат в това време на игра с наранявания и т.н., но ако успея да подобря системата и да постигна повече цели, като цяло ще имаме шанс и е забавно да играем така че е много вероятно да отида отново в някакъв момент. Мисля, че Мане участва във всяка една игра и Боби като нападател на сянка е най-трудният за управление и пропусна няколко мача поради умора. Боби беше леко разочароващ тук, въпреки че може би следващия път може да го пробвам с момчетата, сякаш бих могъл да подобря броя им. Искам да кажа, че няма да бъде често, те ще могат да влязат в това време на игра с наранявания и т.н., но ако успея да подобря системата и да постигна повече цели, като цяло ще имаме шанс и е забавно да играем така че е много вероятно да отида отново в някакъв момент. Боби беше леко разочароващ тук, въпреки че може би следващия път може да го пробвам с момчетата, сякаш бих могъл да подобря броя им. Искам да кажа, че няма да бъде често, те ще могат да влязат в това време на игра с наранявания и т.н., но ако успея да подобря системата и да постигна повече цели, като цяло ще имаме шанс и е забавно да играем така че е много вероятно да отида отново в някакъв момент. Боби беше леко разочароващ тук, въпреки че може би следващия път може да го пробвам с момчетата, сякаш бих могъл да подобря броя им. Искам да кажа, че няма да бъде често, те ще могат да влязат в това време на игра с наранявания и т.н., но ако успея да подобря системата и да постигна повече цели, като цяло ще имаме шанс и е забавно да играем така че е много вероятно да отида отново в някакъв момент.






Мохамед Салах: 44 гола и 44 асистенции = 88

Садио Мане : 50 гола и 25 асистенции = 75

Роберто Фирмино : 31 гола и 16 асистенции = 47

Точки в лигата : 112

Разлика в целите : 94

Общо: 416


Благодаря ви за четенето

What tactic intructions use friend? 

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Great score, Ian. You're definitely only 1-2 tweaks away from topping the chart. 

I can see the similarities with what I've used. Only the WBs and SS are different. We scored about the same in the league but your GA is much better. Probably down to those WBs. I think WMs should give me a better GA too. 

And Salah getting 44 and 44, man, that's 44 assists playing as a Poacher. Incredible. Maybe Firmino missed out on creating more assists due to Salah not finishing but passing it on to Mané? Not that it would matter much score wise, but interesting to see how this front three performs in the different roles we put them in. 

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1 hour ago, Kanegan said:

Some beastly scores in this challenge. Well done mate.

Thanks Kane.

1 hour ago, Foxy said:

My score looks shitter every day 😂 but it gives me something to come back to one day and improve on.

Great attempt Ian.

Thank you Mr Fox, your score is great and I didn’t expect to get as high a score as this tbh. I thought we’d have much more trouble with fitness in the second half of the season and I wasn’t convinced about this system against the thought CL teams but it proved ok in the end. We’ll just have to see how my second attempt goes I guess 😂

1 hour ago, Rob said:

Outstanding @Ian

Thanks Rob, I wasn’t joking last night when I said I didn’t think we’d challenge the top of the board. We were doing well but I didn’t think we’d be able to continue like that and thought fitness would be much more if an issue than it turned out to be.

1 hour ago, KUMAN1 said:

What tactic intructions use friend? 

I won’t be sharing the instructions I’m afraid, certainly not at this stage anyway as it’s still a work in progress. I wasn’t going to even share the shape tbh but once Bati did I felt I better as if I didn’t and decided to share later he’d think I copied him.😂 

40 minutes ago, BatiGoal said:

Great score, Ian. You're definitely only 1-2 tweaks away from topping the chart. 

I can see the similarities with what I've used. Only the WBs and SS are different. We scored about the same in the league but your GA is much better. Probably down to those WBs. I think WMs should give me a better GA too. 

And Salah getting 44 and 44, man, that's 44 assists playing as a Poacher. Incredible. Maybe Firmino missed out on creating more assists due to Salah not finishing but passing it on to Mané? Not that it would matter much score wise, but interesting to see how this front three performs in the different roles we put them in. 

Thanks Bati, I had highlights on for this and Salah got a good few assists from corners and also him and Mané seemed to assist Bobby for most of his goals. Ziyech performed well at AP and I’m wondering if he may have hindered Bobby at number ten but I’m reluctant to change the centre of midfield as it seems good as is. I may try Bobby in another role at ten before trying him up top, maybe even the AM role or Treq. A good thing for the wide positions might be to go with wingers/wm’s for the home/easier games and WB’s for the tougher away games. Plenty to try and that’s before looking at instructions etc haha.

12 minutes ago, Woody said:

Someone has had his FMM weetabix today 😂

Awesome mate. 👍

Thank you Woody, I did really enjoy the 15-0 game, just a shame the game couldn’t last a bit longer as we were scoring at will at the end.

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Amazing result, also from the other participants! Funny to see quite similar shapes, amazing to get these returns. I can only get one or maybe two players high ratings and goals/assists, usually not my striker though. 44 and 44.. 🤤

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52 minutes ago, smoggy90 said:

Excellent score mate, love how competitive this challenge is and may have another crack myself at some point. Great job!

Totally agree on this. The scores are nuts. 

@Ian it's interesting that you did well second half of the season as that seems to be the case with a few of the attempts on this. I usually find it the other way around, which makes me wonder if I need to tweak an element of my club/squad management. 

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1 hour ago, smoggy90 said:

Excellent score mate, love how competitive this challenge is and may have another crack myself at some point. Great job!

Thanks Smog, it’s great especially when you look at all the variation in how people have approached it.

43 minutes ago, Dagion said:

Amazing result, also from the other participants! Funny to see quite similar shapes, amazing to get these returns. I can only get one or maybe two players high ratings and goals/assists, usually not my striker though. 44 and 44.. 🤤

Thanks, I like how it’s goals and assists rather than just one of as I find it much easier to approach that way.

31 minutes ago, Rob said:

Totally agree on this. The scores are nuts. 

@Ian it's interesting that you did well second half of the season as that seems to be the case with a few of the attempts on this. I usually find it the other way around, which makes me wonder if I need to tweak an element of my club/squad management. 

I know what you mean as that’s usually the case for me too. I found the rotation much easier going than expected for Salah and Mane and I’m wondering if the passing down the centre helps a a bit with that. I can honestly say I’ve never done any challenge with three players and managed to get them all on the pitch together as much as this. I’ve started a new attempt with a couple of different signings and a small tweak to try and improve Bobby’s returns so we’ll see how that goes.

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8 hours ago, Ian said:

I may try Bobby in another role at ten before trying him up top, maybe even the AM role or Treq.

Very curious to find out how he performs in either role. Treq can be great but it's also tricky as it only seems to work consistently well with players (like Messi) who perfectly suit the role. Bobby could surprise us. 

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Great effort there @Ian  

like others say, Massive return from Salah!

Who is going to break the 450 mark?

I’ve noticed quite a few of you guys use BPDs. During my testing I concede more (which is obvious) but I also score less when using them. It just goes to show, a tactic is more than the sum of its parts. A tactical role only becomes effective if the roles around that position compliment it.   


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15 hours ago, Ian said:

Liverpool Front Üç

@Rob tarafından oluşturulan Liverpool Front Three Challenge'daki girişimim .

Orta sahaya biraz yaratıcılık katmak ve belirli pozisyonlar için kadro seçeneklerini geliştirmek amacıyla birkaç transfer yaptım. Gündogan ve Ziyech, eski adı ile geçen yıl beni hala başarısız bir meydan okumadan rahatsız eden iki orta saha oyuncusu ve Ziyech, geçen yıl Ajax'taki çifte sorun girişimimde kullandıktan sonra yönetimim altında ikinci kez tükendi. umarım İngiltere'de iş yapar. Clyne ve Lovren'i boşalttım ve aslında yükseltmeler olma umuduyla sırasıyla Zappacosta ve McKenna ile değiştirdim.




@BatiGoal ile benzerlikleri görebilmek için aşağıdaki sistemle gittimaynı orta orta saha kurulumuna sahip sistem. Geçiş, üç ana adamı olabildiğince çok hedefe dahil etmeye çalışmak için ortadan geçecek. Daha üretken oldukları için Bobby'yi on numaraya koydum, yine de arkasındaki fikir buydu. Mané ile sağa, Salah'ı sola gittim ve sağdaki adam her zaman köşeler için yakın mesaja giderken Mané bu iki kişiden daha iyi bir havaya sahip. Merkez sırtları aşağıda top oynama savunucuları olarak ayarlandı ama sanırım yarı yarıya sık sık sadece merkezi savunucular olduklarını ve henüz gerçek bir fark fark ettiğimi söyleyemem ama her ikisi de ben tahmin.


Hedeflerimizin büyük çoğunluğu üç oyuncudan geçerken iyi çalıştı ve birçoğunuz Record Store'da görmüş olabilirsiniz,  zavallı Odisha 15-0 ile Üçlememizden gelen hedeflerden 11'i ve ana adam Salah'tan yedi hedefimiz kesinlikle sona doğru çıldırdı.


Gerçek hayat kesme noktasına ulaştık ve Liverpool'un şu anda sadece bir lig maçı çektiği yerdeydi, bu yüzden güzel bir başarı oldu ama maalesef 25 puanlık bir liderimiz olmadı. Ne yazık ki biz Chelsea için Karamel Kupası finalinde kaybetti ve sinir bozucu olduğunu söylemek için biz çok daha iyi tarafı vardı ama sadece puan olamazdı, iyi olabilir ama VAR bize karşı iki ile gitti sanırım İlk yarıda Salah için korkunç izinlere izin verilmedi.



Yarışmaların geri kalanını kazandık, ancak Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde birkaç korku vardı, özellikle Anfield'deki ikinci ayağı için bize zor bir iş veren çeyrek finalde Bayern Münih'te 3-1 ilk ayağı yenildi. Neyse ki yeterince yaptık ve bundan sonra hiçbir yarışmada gerçekten sıkıntı çekmedik ve 112 puan ve 94 gol farkı ile baskın lig şampiyonları tüketti.




Üç erkek Salah'ın oldukça etkileyici 44 gol ve 44 asist vuruşu ile iyi performans gösterdi, Mané 50 gol ve 25 asist vurdu ve Bobby 31 gol ve 16 asist ile toplam 210 gol attı. hedef farkı ve meydan okuma için 416 puan ulaştık, bu yüzden çok mutluyum. Ana erkeklerde herhangi bir sakatlık yaşamayacak kadar şanslıydık ve erkeklerin bu sistemde dayanabilecekleri oyun süresi çok etkileyiciydi. Salah ve Mané'yi içeride yükler olarak kullandım ve bu sistem arasındaki uygunluklarındaki fark, tebeşir ve peynir gibiydi. Onları her zamanki gibi idare ettim ve sıkılmamalarını sağlamaya çalıştım ve genellikle ileriye doğru her oyundan erken çıkmak zorunda kalıyorlardı ama kendime çok daha fazla zaman ve hatta birkaç tam oyun verebildim. Sanırım Mané her oyunda yer aldı ve yorgunluktan dolayı yönetilmesi en zor olan ve birkaç oyunu kaçırmış olan gölge forvet olarak Bobby'ydi. Bobby burada biraz hayal kırıklığına uğradım, bu yüzden onu bir dahaki sefere erkeklerle birlikte deneyebilirim, sanki sayılarını geliştirebilirim, afiş tablosunun üst kısmına meydan okuyabilirdim. Yani sık sık olmayacaklar, bu oyunda sakatlıklar vb. İle karşılaşabilecekler, ancak sistemi geliştirebilir ve genel olarak daha fazla gol alabilirsem bir şansımız olur ve oynamak eğlenceli bir mücadeledir bu yüzden bir noktada tekrar gideceğim. Sanırım Mané her oyunda yer aldı ve yorgunluktan dolayı yönetilmesi en zor olan ve birkaç oyunu kaçırmış olan gölge forvet olarak Bobby'ydi. Bobby burada biraz hayal kırıklığına uğradım, bu yüzden onu bir dahaki sefere erkeklerle birlikte deneyebilirim, sanki sayılarını geliştirebilirim, afiş tablosunun üst kısmına meydan okuyabilirdim. Yani sık sık olmayacaklar, bu oyunda sakatlıklar vb. İle karşılaşabilecekler, ancak sistemi geliştirebilir ve genel olarak daha fazla gol alabilirsem bir şansımız olur ve oynamak eğlenceli bir mücadeledir bu yüzden bir noktada tekrar gideceğim. Sanırım Mané her oyunda yer aldı ve yorgunluktan dolayı yönetilmesi en zor olan ve birkaç oyunu kaçırmış olan gölge forvet olarak Bobby'ydi. Bobby burada biraz hayal kırıklığına uğradım, bu yüzden onu bir dahaki sefere erkeklerle birlikte deneyebilirim, sanki sayılarını geliştirebilirim, afiş tablosunun üst kısmına meydan okuyabilirdim. Yani sık sık olmayacaklar, bu oyunda sakatlıklar vb. İle karşılaşabilecekler, ancak sistemi geliştirebilir ve genel olarak daha fazla gol alabilirsem bir şansımız olur ve oynamak eğlenceli bir mücadeledir bu yüzden bir noktada tekrar gideceğim. Bobby burada biraz hayal kırıklığına uğradım, bu yüzden onu bir dahaki sefere erkeklerle birlikte deneyebilirim, sanki sayılarını geliştirebilirim, afiş tablosunun tepesine meydan okuyabilirdim. Yani sık sık olmayacaklar, bu oyunda sakatlıklar vb. İle karşılaşabilecekler, ancak sistemi geliştirebilir ve genel olarak daha fazla gol alabilirsem bir şansımız olur ve oynamak eğlenceli bir mücadeledir bu yüzden bir noktada tekrar gideceğim. Bobby burada biraz hayal kırıklığına uğradım, bu yüzden onu bir dahaki sefere erkeklerle birlikte deneyebilirim, sanki sayılarını geliştirebilirim, afiş tablosunun tepesine meydan okuyabilirdim. Yani sık sık olmayacaklar, bu oyunda sakatlıklar vb. İle karşılaşabilecekler, ancak sistemi geliştirebilir ve genel olarak daha fazla gol alabilirsem bir şansımız olur ve oynamak eğlenceli bir mücadeledir bu yüzden bir noktada tekrar gideceğim.






Mohamed Salah: 44 gol ve 44 asist = 88

Sadio Mané : 50 gol ve 25 asist = 75

Roberto Firmino : 31 gol ve 16 asist = 47

Lig Puanları : 112

Hedef Farkı : 94

Toplam: 416


Okuduğunuz için teşekkürler

You know this job. Great job @lan

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1 hour ago, billy2shots said:

I’ve noticed quite a few of you guys use BPDs. During my testing I concede more (which is obvious) but I also score less when using them. It just goes to show, a tactic is more than the sum of its parts. A tactical role only becomes effective if the roles around that position compliment it.   


Same re BPDs, I rarely use them. Not because they're no good, but because I can't get them to work in my formations. If I assign a CB to play as a BPD for example in the 2-5-3 formation I used for this challenge, it really affects the balance of the team. Leakier and less effective in creating and scoring. Simply put it becomes imbalanced. If a tweak requires a second third and fourth tweak to make the first one work, I give up. 

If I recall, the only times I've used BPDs was in 5-def formations with low numbers in midfield. Just springs to mind, the GTO (Torino 4-2-4) did pretty good with a BPD. But as you say, it really is everything about the complete package. 

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13 hours ago, Rob said:

Best of luck with the new attempt. 

Thank you, I’m nearly done with it and it has been different to last time. 

11 hours ago, Lord Danish said:

Great work Ian. I really need to make a need attempt here as currently being the lowest on the leaderboard 

Thanks Lord, yes you should give it another go.

8 hours ago, BatiGoal said:

Very curious to find out how he performs in either role. Treq can be great but it's also tricky as it only seems to work consistently well with players (like Messi) who perfectly suit the role. Bobby could surprise us. 

Thats the only change I’ve made in switching Bobby to Treq and things are different.

4 hours ago, billy2shots said:

Great effort there @Ian  

like others say, Massive return from Salah!

Who is going to break the 450 mark?

I’ve noticed quite a few of you guys use BPDs. During my testing I concede more (which is obvious) but I also score less when using them. It just goes to show, a tactic is more than the sum of its parts. A tactical role only becomes effective if the roles around that position compliment it.   


Cheers Billy, I seem to get on ok with BPD’s in this system anyway. I did switch them to CD’s for a spell in the second half of the season but didn’t really notice any difference.

2 hours ago, Quaresma-7 said:

You know this job. Great job @lan

Thank you

2 hours ago, BatiGoal said:


Same re BPDs, I rarely use them. Not because they're no good, but because I can't get them to work in my formations. If I assign a CB to play as a BPD for example in the 2-5-3 formation I used for this challenge, it really affects the balance of the team. Leakier and less effective in creating and scoring. Simply put it becomes imbalanced. If a tweak requires a second third and fourth tweak to make the first one work, I give up. 

If I recall, the only times I've used BPDs was in 5-def formations with low numbers in midfield. Just springs to mind, the GTO (Torino 4-2-4) did pretty good with a BPD. But as you say, it really is everything about the complete package. 

I find the BPD role a tricky one but it’s seems to be ok in this system with these players.

I’ve had a lot more injuries this season though especially in midfield. Might just be random but could be the treq not doing any defensive work and making the other midfielder have to work harder. Ox has had to play much more in CM and Lallana was injured in pre season so I ended up forgetting to sell him and I’ve had to actually use him. 

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Great stuff Ian. The 44 & 44 is the obvious standout as everyone is saying, that's just crazy fantastic! 

In previous versions (haven't tried it in 20), I've noticed a significant difference between how long a player lasts depending on how many other players around him. Single striker with no one near him? 70 mins. Striker with another striker next to him? 80 mins. Striker with another striker next to him and an AMC behind him? 90 mins. Makes sense I guess - they need to do less work (and running) if they have more help. 

I used to use BPDs a lot (better style of football right?), but not recently as CDs just suit my tactics better. That means the ball comes out from the back through the WBs which is what I want, as I like the flank play. But with you trying to go through the centre, BPDs probably fit better. So interesting how these things work...

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52 minutes ago, Rob said:

@Ian you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to seeing how you’ve done the second time around

The complete opposite here :P

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2 hours ago, Scratch said:

Great stuff Ian. The 44 & 44 is the obvious standout as everyone is saying, that's just crazy fantastic! 

In previous versions (haven't tried it in 20), I've noticed a significant difference between how long a player lasts depending on how many other players around him. Single striker with no one near him? 70 mins. Striker with another striker next to him? 80 mins. Striker with another striker next to him and an AMC behind him? 90 mins. Makes sense I guess - they need to do less work (and running) if they have more help. 

I used to use BPDs a lot (better style of football right?), but not recently as CDs just suit my tactics better. That means the ball comes out from the back through the WBs which is what I want, as I like the flank play. But with you trying to go through the centre, BPDs probably fit better. So interesting how these things work...

Thanks Scratch, yes definitely something in that as they’re much easier to manage in a two with the AM. I had a DT tactic last year with three in the midfield but with just one winger instead of the AM here and that wasn’t bad but nothing like this and getting them on the pitch for those extra minutes can make such a difference.

I’ll have to try a full season with CD’s instead of the BPD’s after this to see what difference that makes as I did switch them a bit on the first attempt but it wasn’t enough of a test to confirm anything.

1 hour ago, Rob said:

@Ian you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to seeing how you’ve done the second time around. 

added 0 minutes later

@Scratch going to give this a whirl?

You won’t have to wait too long as it’s finished. Once I do my daily exercise I’ll post it up.

39 minutes ago, BatiGoal said:

The complete opposite here :P

I might’ve done shite, certainly not as dominant results wise I can tell you that.

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The Liverpool Front Three

Second Attempt

I won’t go into quite so much detail here as I’ve covered most of the relevant stuff in the opening post. Basically I wanted to go with Bobby as a Treq instead of Shadow Striker to see if that would improve things as he didn’t quite shine so much during the first attempt.

I went with some slightly different signings this time for a bit of variation. I had to go with Ziyech again as he was great last time out but I decided to go with Brozovic instead of Gündogan as our second midfield purchase and went for back up at left wing back this time in Digne. The steady Scott McKenna came in as back up centre back again but he wasn’t needed much first time out and the hope was that he wouldn’t be again.



We had some horrible penalty shoot out action as we lost out in the Community Shield, Super Cup and FA Cup semi final, all via spot kicks. We seemed to struggle more in the cup competitions against the tougher teams particularly away and had a less than great Champions League Group Stage as we could only qualify in second place. We did win that trophy rather comfortably in the end though along with the Caramel Cup and Club World Championship where although we couldn’t match last season's 15-0 exploits we put up a couple of hefty scores winning 6-0 in the semi and 9-0 in the final with our trio having plenty of fun. We dominated the league and ended up unbeaten with 110 points and an improved goal difference of 106 so happy with that. There were a few standout games so I’ve included those below the spoiler.











Sadio Mané powered in 77 goals and 20 assists, Salah hit 51 goals and 38 assists and Bobby contributed 38 goals and 27 assists to give us a player total of 251 which is a big increase on the last attempt. Combined with our league points and goal difference we managed 467 for the challenge which we are chuffed with. It was similar to last year for the front three as I found they could play a lot of minutes although Salah did suffer a month long lay off during the first half of the season yet he still ended up with a slightly better return. One thing I found this year though was we suffered much more injuries and I’m thinking it could be linked to having Bobby as a Treq so not helping at all defensively. I’d say we could’ve probably done with another midfielder at times but the system seems a whole lot better with Bobby as Treq both for himself and the other two.







Sadio Mané: 77 goals and 20 assists = 97

Mohamed Salah: 51 goals and 38 assists = 89

Roberto Firmino: 38 goals and 27 assists = 65

League Points: 110

Goal Difference: 106

Total: 467

Please could you add my new score to the leaderboard when you get the chance @Rob.

Thank you for reading

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Geez, I think I can improve on 424 but 467? Damn, I need every bit to go my way. Well, there's only one way to find out 😁 

Mané-ificent job @Ian 👍 

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