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Chat Do you have a GK coach?


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I usually not bother with a GK coach..but then my GKs hardly improve..usually go for 2 attacking(me as one)..1 defence..1 fitness and last being either motivation or youth..should I have a swap round?

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With the limited number of slots available it seems a waste to me to have a coach that only works with 3 or 4 members of the squad so I don’t bother with a GK coach.

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I always have a goalkeeper coach and with decent defenders my defensive records are usually pretty good. Makes the team harder to beat from the off for me.

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I used to never use them for the reasons Foxy mentioned (seems like a waste with limited slots), but now I'm more like Sam (I might keep one if there is already one at the club). I feel like my GKs improve a bit more with them at the club, but GK development is quite hit and miss so it's hard to know if they actually help.

I do wish they'd improved the GK development. Often there are no increments whatsoever on a 'level up'. Other times there are, but often the little green arrows aren't shown so you can't tell unless you've been watching closely. Then you can sometimes get super powerup for Agility when it's the trained attribute - just had someone got from 14 to 20 in one go (with no GK coach). It's a bit of mess really.

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Yeah have to agree with you @Scratch keeper development is a bit sh*t on this game. I also think star ratings are usually pretty awful for all players, but for keepers I find if you have 3 keepers who all look very similar, the star rating will always be higher (say 4*) for the keeper you play regularly and the other two keepers will be pretty much the same star rating (say 2*) not sure if this ties into development but I think it might. 

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1 minute ago, Aaron Thornton said:

Yeah have to agree with you @Scratch keeper development is a bit sh*t on this game. I also think star ratings are usually pretty awful for all players, but for keepers I find if you have 3 keepers who all look very similar, the star rating will always be higher (say 4*) for the keeper you play regularly and the other two keepers will be pretty much the same star rating (say 2*) not sure if this ties into development but I think it might. 

Oh yeah, I just totally ignore star ratings, except sometimes to see the gap between PA and CA to see if there is development potential. But the stars in the game jump around a lot and are generally a terrible reflection of the real PA and CA.

I get that they are meant to not be accurate as it would make the game too easy, but they are too far the other way at the moment. Another area of the game that needs to be fixed...

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Yeah or scrap the star rating idea and make staff reports more detailed so for example rather than having the star ratings to see potential your coaching staff could give you advice and insights into whether the player has not yet fulfilled their potential. Basically how they do it now but more detailed. I've never been a fan of the star rating idea even of the PC version

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10 minutes ago, Aaron Thornton said:

Yeah or scrap the star rating idea and make staff reports more detailed so for example rather than having the star ratings to see potential your coaching staff could give you advice and insights into whether the player has not yet fulfilled their potential. Basically how they do it now but more detailed. I've never been a fan of the star rating idea even of the PC version

Yeah, actually I quite like that idea!

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Proactively hired one for the first time on a Man United save - as De Gea’s coaching or training report said “needs specialist coaching”. As it was a world class keeper, I thought ‘Ok’ and hired a GK coach back again. That comment then disappeared from De Gea’s coaching or training report. 

Normally I’d never have a GK coach - for the same reasons others outlined above.

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Hardly ever. In my opinion, it's probably the least important coach to have.

Though whenever I'm feeling adventurous, I'd hire one but generally have to wait at least a year before they begin training the Gk...And that seems like a waste when another coach could have trained numerous squad members in the same duration

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22 minutes ago, westyorksnffc said:

I tend to be fitness and then add attack, defence and goalkeeper, covers all areas then

That's exactly my setup.

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19 hours ago, Schwantz34 said:

That's exactly my setup.

I also like my Youth Coach to be my assistant manager, he looks after the reserves which is mostly made up of young players, this allows my attacking, defensive and goalkeeping coaches to focus on their roles.


I'm probably thinking far too deep though, but in my mind I like to think that's the way it works!

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