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Fun/Games Community Tactic( Get Involved)


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I'll only do this if everyone wants to do it ... I've been thinking about doing a community tactic I've seen it a few years ago on this website but can't remember it from recent years basically I'll put a poll up and after every poll I'll put another up. so we might start with 5 options like 5 at the back , 4 ATB , 3 ATB  ,2 ATB and so on and after every poll we'll go further into making a tactic the poll after might be some formations with that amount at the back. I hope to get us all involved with out tactical knowledge and build the best tactic on the game.

Edited by gunnersaur
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5 at back for me. 

Since many teams in real life have been using it (532 or 3421) it would be interesting to see any working tactics. 

I've tried to create one with the libero role but haven't found much success with it.  

Here is a clip


Any suggestions regarding the  tweaks to make it work?? 🤔🤔

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1 hour ago, Aaron Thornton said:

1 CM, 2 WM's, let's gooo! 

Gone the same as you here😁

Edited by RichDave32
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