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Chat Tactical analysis


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I've seen many post on tactics and formations but all of them discount one major factor which i will address in this post. For those using short/slow passing/speed players are unimportant. Only 2 stats make those systems work.  Passing and team work stats. If you so not have a team capable of passing and low team work then direct fast is you only option regardless of formation

Edited by Insidious
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On 23/10/2020 at 15:16, Insidious said:

I've seen many post on tactics and formations but all of them discount one major factor which i will address in this post. For those using short/slow passing/speed players are unimportant. Only 2 stats make those systems work.  Passing and team work stats. If you so not have a team capable of passing and low team work then direct fast is you only option regardless of formation

Not sure I agree. Decisions come into almost every tactic. Poor decision making in a player leads to them often choosing the wrong option when passing, irrespective of the speed or style of pass being attempted. Direct and fast passing as you used in an example, for me would still be problematic with poor decision making in your players.

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