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Football Philosophy Index - A Squad Building Approach

My Football Philosophy Index - A Squad Building Approach


Football Philosophy index is common in FM PC version, the pc version as you all know has more more depth than the mobile version. I’m not good in writing and in explaining things but ill do my best to share the idea and make things very clear. As I said the idea wasn’t mine at all I just made something similar for a mobile version.

To read more please visit this page on FMScout.com

My Football Philosophy Index - A Squad Building Approach

I strongly suggest you read this page 1st so you can understand how the Philosophy work

I have created an excel file with 11 sheets to cover all players positions and all attributes as well as I added a quick search too.

List of Sheets:

1.      Team View

2.      General Information

3.      CF (All Roles)

4.      IF & W

5.      DW & W

6.      AM, CM & DM

7.      DC & BPD

8.      FB & WG

9.      GK

10.  Suggested IX

11.  Growth Progress

Now ill go through each sheet and will explain briefly


Team View & General Info




All you have to do is to write player name and player position and then write down players attributes

Player attributes are divided into 3 parts (Technical, Mental and Physical)


Once you add the attributes then you get some results




you will get 7 different numbers or results




Tec = the Sum of Technical attributes

Men = the Sum of mental attributes

Phyi = the sum of physical attributes

Overall = the sum of Technical, mental and physical attributes

OPV (Offensive Philosophy Value) = Passing, Decisions, Crossing, Dribbling, Shooting, Creativity, Movement

DPV (Defensive Philosophy Value) = Strength, Aerial, Tackling, Passing, Decisions, Positioning

GPV (General Philosophy Value) = Aerial, Passing, Technique, Aggression, Decisions, Leadership, Teamwork, Pace, Stamina, Strength.




You will get the Results in different colors

Red = below 10

Green = between 10 - 14  

Yellow = Between 15 – 20  


Those numbers can show you the strength and weakness of each player, this might give you an idea how to train the player or on which attributes you should focus on more. Or maybe decide to sell the player it’s your call.


Very easy & simple way to get an overview of your team.

Note: this table (Team View) is created for all roles except GK roles because GK Roles use different attributes, GK Role will be covered in GK Sheet. Separately.

This is a very basic way to a very basic overview.


Now ill explain about the other left sheets.

I’ll Start with CF

CF Sheet



CF sheet cover all strikers roles (CF, TM, AF, DLF, P, PF, T)

All you have to do is to add the PLAYER NAME and ATTRIBUTES and again you will get 7 different results as well as It Will Tell You What Player Role Is the Best for each player all you have to do is to add the players attributes.


Tec = the Sum of Technical attributes

Men = the Sum of mental attributes

Phyi = the sum of physical attributes

Overall = the sum of Technical, mental and physical attributes

OPV (Offensive Philosophy Value) = Passing, Decisions, Crossing, Dribbling, Shooting, Creativity, Movement

DPV (Defensive Philosophy Value) = Strength, Aerial, Tackling, Passing, Decisions, Positioning

GPV (General Philosophy Value) = Aerial, Passing, Technique, Aggression, Decisions, Leadership, Teamwork, Pace, Stamina, Strength.


Add all your stickers and you can compare all their attributes at one go. I’m sure some of you will be surprised about your players, try it and you will see


The Yellow Column & Quick search can be used for scouting, if you have a player in mind just add his attributes and you get a quick result about him.


IF & W Sheet





DW & W Sheet





AM,CM & DM Sheet





DC & BPD Sheet





FB & WG Sheet






GK Sheet






All those sheets work as same as CF sheet all you have to do is to add the player name and his attributes and you will the results.


Ill just add the screenshots for each sheet.


IX & 2nd Team Sheet






Again, very simple way to get my best IX and 2nd Team selection or maybe 3rd if you have a big squad. All you have to do is to go through each sheet and see who’s the best for each role.


Last sheet,


I called it Growth Progress the sheet isn’t completed yet but I have used it for two of my players. The idea is to add their attributes every mouth then you can see the progress and decide when to give me them a first team game








Ill attach two files. One for my current save and the other one is ready to used

My Save File


Fazendense Football Philosophy.xlsx


Ready to be used


FMM21 Football Philosophy.xlsx


I really hope you guys try it out and let me know what do you think?


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If you have to do spreadsheets you are playing the game wrong and maybe you should play the PC version instead. The mobile version should be "mobile" so you can play quick and not with the help of a laptop or pc next to you. 

Also, the game has a cool feature that will show you the key attributes needed for each tactical role so way more accurate and helpful than doing some averages. If you want, you can further fine tune that by adding to the mix few other attributes like technique, teamwork or stamina. 

It will take you tens or hundreds of hours to go into a transfer window and also, doing spreadsheets will turn you into your assistant's assistant. 

I'm not writing this comment to be rude or make fun, I want to to stop wasting tens of hours on excel and actually play the game and enjoy it.

Have fun! 

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This is cool! For the people that want the in depth analysis that you might get on PC this really let’s you dig into your players and realize that. For people that can play mobile only and want the PC experience this is helpful! 

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This is great, I know a lot of people won’t use this but I have to congratulate you on this!

Edited by DarkNite
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On 11/01/2021 at 01:10, George Traistă said:

If you have to do spreadsheets you are playing the game wrong and maybe you should play the PC version instead. The mobile version should be "mobile" so you can play quick and not with the help of a laptop or pc next to you. 

Also, the game has a cool feature that will show you the key attributes needed for each tactical role so way more accurate and helpful than doing some averages. If you want, you can further fine tune that by adding to the mix few other attributes like technique, teamwork or stamina. 

It will take you tens or hundreds of hours to go into a transfer window and also, doing spreadsheets will turn you into your assistant's assistant. 

I'm not writing this comment to be rude or make fun, I want to to stop wasting tens of hours on excel and actually play the game and enjoy it.

Have fun! 

This raises some interesting points. I used to do a very basic version of this when I didn't know so well what skills suited a a given position/role. In fact, I used to keep a separate spreadsheet for this that I maintained in my desktop, but as noted in the above comment, it's cumbersome in a mobile env. Once FMM added highlights for skills for the given role, I didn't need this any more.

So, the question begs, have you tried to use this with FMM? What does it add to the game given the constraints?

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On 11/01/2021 at 08:10, George Traistă said:

Also, the game has a cool feature that will show you the key attributes needed for each tactical role so way more accurate and helpful than doing some averages. If you want, you can further fine tune that by adding to the mix few other attributes like technique, teamwork or stamina.

uh no there is no feature like that in game

or atleast for me, even if i search key stats of a PF, i still end up with a list where 99% of people have stats highlighted as TM/P using player search feature

as of now, the only way to highlight stats for the role that you want is by signing the player first and then changing the trained role, there is no way to change stat highlights without needing to sign the player

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