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Challenges The UK Goal Challenge


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The UK Goal Challenge


This is a challenge created a few years ago by @BatiGoal that hopefully receives more love today than it did back then. 

It's a very simple challenge that takes you on a journey to all 4 countries in the UK with 1 main objective: Break the current top goal scorer's record in each country. In the original challenge you were allowed to travel to each country in any random order, however, in the updated version the challenge increases in difficulty as you progress but you are still allowed to play as many seasons per country as it takes to break the current top goal scorer's record. You must start at the country with the lowest goals record and move your way up to the highest goals record and break each record as you go. Once you break the record you may move on to the next stage of the challenge. While you're waiting to land a club in the next stage you're allowed to remain at your current club to improve your reputation and/or set an even higher record as many times as you want thus increasing your total score (combined highest records in all 4 stages). You may use any player you like but only goals in the league count towards the total. If you manage to break the record (scoring more than the current total) in all 4 countries you will have scored at least a total of 218 goals in the UK and your name and total will be placed on the UK Challenge v2.0 Leaderboard.


The UK Goal Records




The Challenge Rules

  • Load the UK leagues - Wales, N.Ireland, Scotland and England - in any order.
  • Start your challenge in Wales and follow the 'Records Table' as you go, taking over any club you choose.
  • Once you break a record you may move on to the next stage of the challenge.
  • Play any stage as many times as you want until a job at a club in the next country comes along.
  • At NO point in the challenge are you allowed to move back a stage to break a previous set record.
  • You may choose any top division team and pick any player/nationality you like, but MUST use a unique striker per stage.
  • Main strikers MUST be real players. The rest of the team/squad does not and may be fake players - regens/evogens.
  • Only goals in the league count, no cup/European goals count (the records are for the leagues not the players).
  • NO unlockables (unless earned during this challenge), and NO editors, reloading etc. allowed.
  • As surely most of us have a Coaching Badge by now you are allowed to start with one.
  • You must post a career with screenshots to be eligible for the leaderboard.
  • Points: Combined highest records in all 4 countries.


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