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News FMM23 First Look and Headline Features


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14 hours ago, lcutini32 said:

For me 2019 hit that perfect sweet spot. In depth enough that it made you think a bit but still very much pick up and playable. Even if I just had 15 or 20 minutes I could make some good progress, nowadays it seems 15 minutes of play doesn’t get you anywhere. 

I wouldn’t mind more in depth tactical options if they toned down some of the other time sinks in the game. I feel like the game should really emphasize tactics and transfers, as to me that seems like what a mobile football sim is about. Buy some players, maybe train them up a bit, and find a fun tactic to put them into - that’s what it should be 

Good post and I 100% agree 👏

I actually have 2019 on my new phone alongside 2022 and I'm finding I'm starting to play more of 2019, usually after 2022 annoys me for the umpteenth time 😂

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To be honest, the only thing that attracts me this year is that iPhone finally released the Touch version, which will be a new experience. I can't wait to experience 3D animation on my new phone. I'm not interested in anything else.

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Do we know when the features will be released for the FMM version? I was under the impression that they’ve not fully released the details of the new features 

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40 minutes ago, KyleJNichol said:

Do we know when the features will be released for the FMM version? I was under the impression that they’ve not fully released the details of the new features 

Usually the week before it’s released so perhaps the end of this week or early next.

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Ideal state, personally I really think they should have:

  • FMM Touch (advanced / full fat)
  • and FM Mobile (medium / what we’re used to)
  • and FM Lite (a Director of Football mode, where you’re into involved in club / staff / squad building - but delegate training, detailed tactics, matches … club soccer manager is a good example of this.

But I doubt they’ll do the Lite version 😞  edit - I doubt they’ll do it in the next few years

Edited by DanEnglish
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3 hours ago, DanEnglish said:

Ideal state, personally I really think they should have:

  • FMM Touch (advanced / full fat)
  • and FM Mobile (medium / what we’re used to)
  • and FM Lite (a Director of Football mode, where you’re into involved in club / staff / squad building - but delegate training, detailed tactics, matches … club soccer manager is a good example of this.

But I doubt they’ll do the Lite version 😞  edit - I doubt they’ll do it in the next few years

Lots of Americans lose their mind when you mention a simplified version. Do you use Reddit? They rant about 'European snobbery', I think that alone might put Si off a lite version 

Android losing FM Touch has left a big hole though I wouldn't mind paying £15-18 for a more complete version of FMM, Maybe called FM Classic, and keep FMM the way it is, if your idea of a differential system is implemented 

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1 minute ago, SaintPaul said:

Lots of Americans lose their mind when you mention a simplified version

As a genuine question - do you mean lots of Americans want a simplified version, or don’t want a simplified version … ?

I wasn’t exactly sure which you meant and no I don’t use Reddit 😮

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4 hours ago, Shaanmann said:

I hope they add some indepth tactics in the mobile version. 

People have asked that on the SI forum, and it's been suggested that we shouldn't get our hopes up. That might just be them playing it cool just now though, but I'm too stupid not to get my hopes up so... 

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2 minutes ago, SaintPaul said:

People have asked that on the SI forum, and it's been suggested that we shouldn't get our hopes up. That might just be them playing it cool just now though, but I'm too stupid not to get my hopes up so... 


I’ll be happy to be proven wrong but I’m not sure we will see much added tactics wise on FMM this year simply because they won’t want to bring the game closer to the Touch version as it’s on iPhone this year. 

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1 minute ago, DanEnglish said:

As a genuine question - do you mean lots of Americans want a simplified version, or don’t want a simplified version … ?

I wasn’t exactly sure which you meant and no I don’t use Reddit 😮

They don't want one, as they seem to think the idea is targeted at them specifically 

I mentioned earlier in this thread that one guy ranted about the game being scripted, because Bayern still won the league despite Lewandowski being injured for most of the season. Its people like him, who are offended when people mention a lite or simplified version of FMM.

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2 hours ago, FuddledFox said:


I’ll be happy to be proven wrong but I’m not sure we will see much added tactics wise on FMM this year simply because they won’t want to bring the game closer to the Touch version as it’s on iPhone this year. 

I'm sure you're right, but I'd be happy with even some small additions, that could help influence things during a match, rather than a complete overhaul of the tactical system itself. Team talks might have an influence, but I think I'm being too optimistic 

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Looks like the new league-style format of UCL starting from 2024 will be introduced in this year's version, might be the only thing that excites me so far

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8 minutes ago, FuddledFox said:

No new leagues or tactical options :(

Was hoping for an in-depth tactical option.

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Thanks @MikeF for the screenshots 👍 especially as I don’t have twitter.

Hmmm … am not that interested in most of those features. A few sound ‘nice’ (development hub, better board feedback, better recruitment) - but nothing that I really want.

Have still pre-ordered it though 😂 am looking forward to it, even if it’s just updated data of FMM22 😢 

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The development hub was really good on FMT, I'm surprised, but happy it made its way to FMM 

Talking to players during matches, did absolutely nothing on FMT21, but hopefully might be a bit different now

 Already seen people on Twitter saying that the European draws will just be a novelty, but it's a big step up from the current system 

I'd have liked to have seen more tactical changes, but Marc Vaughan has said that the AI has been tweaked in terms of bidding for younger players, so hopefully that keeps the game more challenging long term 

New features are above what I'd been hoping for, overall 

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Team talks sound like complete and total tedium that will detract from playing experience.


Development Hub and transfer updates sound fine.

No tactical updates announced is ridiculous. That's the singular heart of the game. 

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Meh. Think I'll hold out on buying this one just yet. Just got the itch again recently too

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•    Interim managers will make an appearance in FM23 Mobile for the first time ever – the opportunity to take up that role at another club may even appear in your inbox.


This looks pretty good, will this be on android? 

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On 11/10/2022 at 07:58, JamesVilla said:

Doesn't look like anything new has been added in terms of the above screenshots, would of thought if there were different player roles, it would of shown them. 

The roles are much the same as before - although users requested that specific ones were available in areas which didn't have them previously which I did, I've also revised the AI for some of them to be more realistic (ie. how inside forwards operate etc.).

added 0 minutes later
32 minutes ago, leedsunited87 said:

•    Interim managers will make an appearance in FM23 Mobile for the first time ever – the opportunity to take up that role at another club may even appear in your inbox.


This looks pretty good, will this be on android? 

Yes FMM is basically the same game (apart from geeky tech differences) upon iOS and Android.

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1 hour ago, hhooo said:

Team talks sound like complete and total tedium that will detract from playing experience.

(Sobs into a dirty hanky ;) )

Teamtalks has been designed on purpose to try and make it as non-tedious as possible - if you leave it 'be' then you'll do a balanced talk and it'll be much the same as playing previous versions of the game (and indeed you can disable the entire feature from preferences if you really want to upset me ;) ).

Its intended for specific situations where you think you can make a difference by taking a stand or if you know your squad have specific personalities where a certain approach might help inspire them ... or perhaps they need their backsides kicking continually to motivate them?

The intent is to be clearer about what affects matches and why and give you more insight to why you're successful or not - for instance click on the 'Inspired' green text after a talk and it'll show exactly how that affects the player in question on the pitch (in this case it'd show his morale has risen and his creativity has also gone up).

Hopefully you'll come around once you've used it - let me know :D

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On 24/10/2022 at 07:40, Shaanmann said:

I hope they add some indepth tactics in the mobile version. 

Out of interest - what sort of things do you want to see added and why do you think they'll improve the game/allow you to setup tactics that you can't do at present.

(in my view the mobile game is fairly detailed in terms of tactics already - ie. you can set specific roles, making instructions etc. for players etc.)

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4 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

(Sobs into a dirty hanky ;) )

Teamtalks has been designed on purpose to try and make it as non-tedious as possible - if you leave it 'be' then you'll do a balanced talk and it'll be much the same as playing previous versions of the game (and indeed you can disable the entire feature from preferences if you really want to upset me ;) ).

Its intended for specific situations where you think you can make a difference by taking a stand or if you know your squad have specific personalities where a certain approach might help inspire them ... or perhaps they need their backsides kicking continually to motivate them?

The intent is to be clearer about what affects matches and why and give you more insight to why you're successful or not - for instance click on the 'Inspired' green text after a talk and it'll show exactly how that affects the player in question on the pitch (in this case it'd show his morale has risen and his creativity has also gone up).

Hopefully you'll come around once you've used it - let me know :D

I'm hoping I'll come around as well, of course. But I'm primarily here to replicate styles of play or create interesting patterns, so tactical roles and instructions are always 90% of what I'm hoping for. 

Wide CBs and a striker role that actually drops deep were my big hopes this year (maybe DLF got a tweak?).


Thanks for the input!


Edit: to address the details-


A role where a forward will drop deep to collect the ball from the defense, a role like Conte's wider CBs, who will make underlapping runs in possession, but actually close up and form a back 5 in defense would be specific behaviors I want to see. 


The ability to hit the ball long into the channels, rather than every long ball going straight to a defender would be great. As is, route one football requires world class players to pull off, which is counterintuitive. 


And finally, pressing from a GK and playing out from the back (and slower, more patient attacks in general) would be lovely. And a Libero that does something besides leave space in behind for no reason 😉

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