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Chat Toughest league


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I think Barcelona is a cheat club and over powered and the AI also fixes my match so I don't go above Barcelona in the league 

I sit second, whenever Barca draws I also draw, whenever Barca loses, I'll definitely draw or lose 

I do not restart! 

I also bought  Barcelona's 2 best players during the winter window  yet they play well with 3 star players 

When I faced them, I drew and lost narrowly 

I didn't screenshot my other matches, just the one that made believe AI is involved in match fixing not according to your tactics and or player abilities 

Screenshot_20230314_215431_FM23 Mobile.jpg

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Game does feel like that sometimes, only advice I can give is keep going, improve your team and eventually it won’t feel that way anymore 😂

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Funny, in most of my saves it's usually Madrid that goes on to establish a decade long dominance in Spain, while Barcelona struggles for top3 finish.

I've seen AI lead Madrid to 100+ points more than once 😳

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In my latest save (7 seasons so far), Barcelona ended up winning the Liga once, finished runner-up twice. It's a bit random, I could loose against them at home and trash them away...

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