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Chat Regen scouting strategy


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I don't think that there is only one correct strategy to find a talent on fmm, but I'd like to know your strategy to find best players in the game. 

You start before the end of the season searching for old players that will retire at the end of season in order to find their regen? And after that you looking for same nationality young? 

Or you usual prefer to trust your scouts? Or maybe you use search tool with particular filter? 


Thanks in advance, 


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35 minutes ago, davboc said:

You start before the end of the season searching for old players that will retire at the end of season in order to find their regen?

If you're regen hunting, yeah. Just keep in mind that players don't necessarily regen that season, might even take a few.

Even if you do keep tabs for a couple, you'll be recruiting as per normal for most of them. Trust your scout to an extent, scour national teams and use your own judgement on their attributes.

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5 hours ago, Meow said:

If you're regen hunting, yeah. Just keep in mind that players don't necessarily regen that season, might even take a few.

Even if you do keep tabs for a couple, you'll be recruiting as per normal for most of them. Trust your scout to an extent, scour national teams and use your own judgement on their attributes.

Thanks! Why national teams? 

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27 minutes ago, davboc said:

Thanks! Why national teams? 

An early call-up to the National can indicate a good player. Not guaranteed, but better odds that just judging based on attributes.

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56 minutes ago, Meow said:

An early call-up to the National can indicate a good player. Not guaranteed, but better odds that just judging based on attributes.

Great, thanks. With attributes I can judge the CA but not the PA, this is the problem. So something like scout or national caps can help for this. I've never bought a fully developed player in fm :)

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16 minutes ago, ericm544 said:

I will look at the strong countries senior and u21 teams for any hidden gems. If they have high technique, decisions, and teamwork I am much more likely to invest in them and help develop them. If a player is on a big country national team, but they play for a small club or team outside top 5 leagues, he is likely to be a promising player. I also will look at the big clubs to see any players unhappy and who want to leave, this can help you get great players and for cheaper prices also. Also, in Spain every player is required to have a release clause which can also help you snatch world class gems for clauses less then $30M.

A lot of very important tips, thank you I'll try them 

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Here's my strategy for wonderkids

  • National team u21
  • Spainish release clause
  • 16-20yr old scouting for youth scout
  • Good ol' south amercia for dirt cheap kids
  • Dutch,-belgian region/central Europe
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Great topic and a lot of good strategies! They can be adjusted also depending on what situation are you facing to. 

In lower divisions, after completing the team, I usually bet on the cheapest young players with the best statistics ( last pages of a research usually). You can achieve unexpected results sometimes: the personality can overcome lacks in the attributes. 

As a general condition, also looking at the first club the player has start with can help. 

For big clubs is different and even a 18-19 yo player must comply with more requirements to be in the first team. In this case I am more prone to listen to the youngers scout advices if available. 

For the attributes I start in my pyramid always from Decisions (every position, every role). Also stupid players can resolve a match in your favour, but during an entire season the intelligent ones will bring you to success 🙂

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I have always found there is a bit of a "bug" in the game, where players with the highest potential that spawn outside of the very biggest clubs, always end on the transfer list almost instantly after they enter the game. It would seem their high potential translates to a desire to move onto a bigger club instantly, so they demand to move and end listed. I set the player filter to 16-17 transfer listed players, check the players general stats, and scout the best ones. This tactic yields a lot of cheap wonderkids. 

How to scout regens is also different depending on which leagues you have loaded up. It appears in my experience, that if you leave a league out of your game, and it is a high level league, the game will attempt to populate these squads after the 2nd season with regens. For instance, I leave Holland and France out of my selected leagues, and within 1-2 years these will me diamond mines for wonderkid talent. Once in a while, the game will also regen a 25 year old with massive ability out of nowhere too, so worth checking all the squads for the best leagues not loaded each year. 

Finally, there are certain clubs that just seem to spam wonderkids. Some are obvious (Ajax, Barca, Real, Dortmund, Porto), but Penarol (Uruguay), Independente (Ecuador), AZ (Dutch), Clermont, ASSE (France), Austria Wien, Bilbao, Antwerp/Anderlecht (Belgium), Rosario/Velez (Argentina), FLA/GRE/SAN (Brazil), Colo Colo (Chile).... these clubs seem to produce loads of players. 

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