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Help Training Questions

Mr B

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I've always trained players in pretty much the same way, but after some reading on here I'm wondering if there's something flawed in my thinking. I'm hoping someone can let me know if I'm wrong or not.

If I have the option of a trained role that will give me more stats I will always take it - so I'll never train a DLP since RP gives me everything the DLP does plus Teamwork and Shooting. Similarly, I will almost always train strikers as CF since that covers almost everything the other roles do.

Is this best to gain more stats, or is it a case that by training in more stats I'm kind of 'using up' my improvements on less relevant gains?

Related question, what gives a bigger improvement - focus stat or trained role stats? So if I had a player that I want to improve on Shooting AND Crossing, but with a priority on Crossing, should I train as a W focusing on Shooting or an IF focusing on Crossing?

Thanks for any help.

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Hello, I'll give you my view based on played careers. Training more stats, choosing a complex role as RP, does not guarantee the player has the same development in all the trained stats. It depends for example on the type of coaches you have (if the majority is specialised in attack then the attacking stats will increase more), on the focus stats and, of course on the role too. 

The player development also depends strongly on the playing time. I never saw a huge increase if the player is not in the rotations or is not loaned. The personality also as an influence. 

So, train more stats in my opinion is appropriate if you have a good player with a solid personality and a good mixed staff as a base. 

For useful players, and if the staff is worse, I think it is better to concentrate on less stats. 


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Thanks for the ideas.

I found @Scratch's 5 point CA PA theory which seems to suggest that I'm wrong in my initial approach. The more stats I train, the more likely I think I'd be to get a "big" level up and use up 5 extra potential points improving stats I don't overly need. 

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