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Chat Work into box ve Run at Defence???

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Hello everyone, I am a Turkish FM mobile player. I want to ask something. What exactly are "work into box" and "Run at Defense" in Offense in Tactics? Thanks.

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16 minutes ago, TheShane said:

Kutu geçişli geçiş geçişinde çalışın

Savunmada koş- salya salya salya salya

Biraz daha detaylı detaylı detaylı 

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8 minutes ago, Manager202301 said:

Biraz daha detaylı detaylı detaylı

Work into box- players will try to get as close to goal as possible instead of trying to shoot from out. It's good for more fluid attack when you have players who can pass well and not many shooters. Personally it looks more visually pleasing when you tiki taka through the defence.


Run at defense- instead of playing through balls early ,your players will try to dribble and get closer to back line to play final ball. It helps when opponent has low block and your forwards don't have much room to run and/or aren't fast. Players carry ball instead of passing it straight away. 

Lemme know if you need more info

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13 minutes ago, TheShane said:

Kutuya çalışın - oyuncular dışarıdan şut atmaya çalışmak yerine hedefe mümkün olduğunca yaklaşmaya çalışacaklar. İyi pas verebilen ve çok fazla şutör olmayan oyuncularınız olduğunda, daha akıcı bir saldırı için iyidir. Şahsen, defansın içinden tiki taka yaptığınızda görsel olarak daha hoş görünüyor.


Savunmada koşun - erken toplarla oynamak yerine, oyuncularınız top sürmeye çalışacak ve son topu oynamak için arka çizgiye yaklaşacaktır. Rakibin bloğu düşük olduğunda ve forvetlerinizin koşacak fazla yeri olmadığında ve/veya hızlı olmadığında yardımcı olur. Oyuncular topu hemen pas vermek yerine taşırlar. 

Daha fazla bilgiye ihtiyacınız olup olmadığını bilmeme izin verin

Öncelikle cevabınız için teşekkür ederim. Ben forvette "fırsatçı golcü", forvet arkasında Ianis Hagi (Ofansif oyun kurucu) sağ ve sol kanatta da kanat forvet kullanıyorum. Bu mevkiler de hangi seçenekler ideal olur onu çözmeye çalışıyorum. Shoot on Sight seçeneği mi, work into box mu, Run at Defence mi? Hangisi. 

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Interestingly - on a ‘Chelsea team guide’ I wrote recently, there were 4 example tactics which other people have successfully used with Chelsea …

ALL FOUR of these successful tactics used ‘run at defense’. I was surprised by that.

Edit - has anyone actually done any tests to see which instructions are most effective? I’m sure it depends on the players + tactic, but it’s possible an instruction is overpowered or underpowered generally / by accident.

Edited by DanEnglish
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7 hours ago, Manager202301 said:

Öncelikle cevabınız için teşekkür ederim. Ben forvette "fırsatçı golcü", forvet arkasında Ianis Hagi (Ofansif oyun kurucu) sağ ve sol kanatta da kanat forvet kullanıyorum. Bu mevkiler de hangi seçenekler ideal olur onu çözmeye çalışıyorum. Shoot on Sight seçeneği mi, work into box mu, Run at Defence mi? Hangisi.

Sorry if my replies are bit incoherent as I don't understand Turkish and am using Google translator.


Instead of just looking at roles, look at the stats and then decide. If your players in above defensive line have better dribbling, go for run at defence; if they have better passing look for through balls and if nothing is easily better than other don't choose either ( which I do). 

Play a lot of friendly before season starts to get somewhat of an idea. You can share your players for better analysis and it'll be more helpful if you could upload images to help us get an idea so we could suggest some changes

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I don't know but, I've found that RUN AT DEFENSE helps you keep the ball, wether or not your doing a Shoot on Site type of Tactic.... Not so good at scoring a lot of goals though but... At least you'll lose less... There's a catch... Your player's have to be both mentally and physically blessed for them to run at defense, as it will require hustling and tussling, can't have a lazy player now, can you?


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