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Chat Potential ability


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Can the potential ability of players go down? I am using editor to see it, but I swear Madueke had 5 stars, and now it's only 4.5 and Wirtz who I know for a fact has 4.5 always, now has only 4 stars potential ability. Note: at the start of my save they DID have a higher potential ability (5 stars and 4.5) but it went down and I wanna know if it is possible and what is causing it

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8 minutes ago, Gg1028 said:

Can the potential ability of players go down? I am using editor to see it, but I swear Madueke had 5 stars, and now it's only 4.5 and Wirtz who I know for a fact has 4.5 always, now has only 4 stars potential ability. Note: at the start of my save they DID have a higher potential ability (5 stars and 4.5) but it went down and I wanna know if it is possible and what is causing it

Yeah it is possible,  due to a number of things, game time. Particularly if players have constantly got injured, that's the biggest down fall, maybe also players attitude. Prime example, Dali Ali, has supposed to be the next big thing, injuries and his attitude have let him down, still only 27. But happens 

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