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Guides/Tips Player Roles - Guidance for ‘Intermediate’ Players

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On 20/07/2024 at 06:53, InfinitySentinel said:

@DanEnglish hey mate, how's life? is there a prediction for the continuation of these threads? you are extremely informative 🙂

Unfortunately I do not intend to continue this thread ☹️ 

Why? The original intention was only 5 posts about roles where I knew something interesting, and that’s (kind of) complete. Also after a weeks break, I’ll be continuing the GOAT challenge attempt 😉 

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The Libero


A bonus post about the Libero!  

⚠️ FMM23 ⚠️ 
Please note this is for FMM23 - I’ve been told that the game’s developers are tweaking the Libero for FMM25.


Your Half vs Opposition Half
When your team are in possession - the Libero acts differently depending on where the ball is (and your tactics mentality)

  • In your half - the Libero moves forward / ahead of your other center backs 👍 
  • BUT in the opposition half -  (+80% of the highlights) the Libero is as deep as your other center backs 🔻 (<20% of the time the Libero may make a run forward)

Examples (GIFs)




More Info
If you want more info + screenshots, checkout my post on this list


⚠️ Remember that Liberos may act differently in FMM25 - as the game’s developers are tweaking that role! ⚠️

But this is still useful for those non-Netflix FMM23 players like me 🙂 

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You can see more info about the Libero in FMM25 from the games lead developer (Marc V) here:


To update people - I've some tweaks in QA for the FMM25 version which should make the Libero more consistent and adventurous.

To summarize what I found - in some circumstances the Libero would self limit his movement because he 'knew' he was a defensive player and considered himself out of position with regards to the rest of defense, this was triggering far too early for the sort of role he was playing.

I've changed the circumstance for this for any defensive role which has an attacking bent set to it, so they're not quite as fast to drop back towards their defensive position even if other instructions/situations might suggest to them they do so, this will allow the Libero more room to roam in an attacking sense - but please be warned it will also mean it may be more likely that you are caught short with him upfield.

Obviously this is 'early days' with regards to getting into the wild and it still has to go through the QA process before it gets into a release - but I wanted to keep people in the loop with regards to this side of things (and I'll warn people in advance if for some reason we find issues and it doesn't make release, but suffice to say I'm constantly trying to tweak and improve things and the feedback that everyone gives me across all the various forums/sites/carrier pigeons is invaluable in that regard).


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Ball Winning Midfielder


What does a BWM do?! 

Probably the most mid-understood role in the game. And this is my controversial experience of BWMs.

⚠️ Warning - this is for FMM23, when you are defending (I.e. the opposition is in possession) and when the BWM is in the MC position (not DMC).

The Myth


Most FMM players think the BWM runs around chasing the ball (see spoiler) - but this is NOT completely true



Short Answer
So this is what a BWM actually does - in the MC position, when defending …


The BWM drops deeper + centrally - into the central defensive midfield (DMC) position

  • This makes them USEFUL for covering an opposition AMC (if you don’t have another defensive midfielder / DMC)
  • 🔻 However it means they can easily be OVERLOADED by multiple opposition midfielders

Long Answer
Here you can see examples - which I posted on the Discord group 




Examples Below ⬇️ 




Attacking an Opposition BWM 🔥 
I often target an opposition MC / BWM - knowing their BWM will drop deep + central to cover my AMC, I’ll make sure my B2B is on that side to take advantage of the space.

Note - that’s from looking at the opposition roles in the first few mins of a match.

⚠️ BWMs in FMM25 may be different.

Plus one of the reasons why I never wrote up these BWM (MC) findings is that there’s just so many things I‘d need to screenshot + document about it:

  • if you have a DMC or not
  • if you use attacking vs defensive mentalities
  • if you have all over press or not
  • if you have a high line or not
  • if you have 0 / 1 / 2 MCs with him
  • plus some of the opposition formation options 

So just never bothered 😕 and decided to post what I knew ‘as is’ - maybe I’ll add some screenshots / gifs later.

I’d be delighted to be proved wrong here - but I see the BWM drop deep + central ALL THE TIME.

Controversial?! 🙂 

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Thanks for all the advice @DanEnglish, I'm definitely still finding it useful. 


I'm trying to work through the transition season when counter attacking isn't doing it against defensive formations and I want to try a more control based tactic instead if my normal crosses-and-high-aerial plan. I came back to read through the IWB and RP/AP/B2B bits I knew where here, and found the bonus on BWM and libero too!


One question on the BWM, how does it work if you have two in the CM line? Do they both try and drop back centrally, or do they stick to their sides (like a B2B going forward)? Thanks

Edited by Mr B
Forgot to include the question
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10 hours ago, Mr B said:

One question on the BWM, how does it work if you have two in the CM line? Do they both try and drop back centrally, or do they stick to their sides (like a B2B going forward)? Thanks

Great question - unfortunately I’ve never tried it, so don’t know. You’ll have to test that yourself 🤷 

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2 BWMs (in the CM line) look like they DON'T try to move into the same space, both in and out of possession. 


I didn't test anywhere near as thoroughly as you do though, so don't take that as conclusive anyone. And I was playing Liverpool, who didn't have anyone in the AMC slot, they may have both gone there if there was. 


I also tried a BWM in the CM line alongside a DLP who was already sitting in the DM line. Again, no treading on each other's toes (but again, no AMC for him to go and press) 


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Personally thrilled for the new Liberos. They make for some of my favorite players in real life, so it'll be fun (at least for me) to watch my defenders running at the opposition without a care in the world. :] 

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14 hours ago, Mr B said:

I also tried a BWM in the CM line alongside a DLP who was already sitting in the DM line. Again, no treading on each other's toes (but again, no AMC for him to go and press) 

Ah. Actually the BWM and DLP combo should do something different:

  • When your team are attacking / in possession - the BWM stays in position (MRC), while the DLP drops deep + central (DMC)
  • When your team are defending / out of possession  - it’s the opposite, the DLP stays in position (MLC), while the BWM drops deep + central (DMC)

That's why they dont take the same space ‘at the same time’ 😉 

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13 hours ago, KorovaMilk said:

Personally thrilled for the new Liberos.  

Assuming their chances successfully pass testing / QA, then yeah the new FMM25 ‘more attacking’ Liberos should be pretty exciting - I’m guessing a central Libero will act a bit differently to 2x wide DC Liberos in a back 3 …

… personally I’m calling it the FMM Libero edition 🤣 

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I figured that would happen with a DLP/BWM both positioned in the midfield line (but only from reading your info from earlier in the thread! ). But when I tested that one, the DLP was already positioned in the DM line so didn't move forward in or out of possession. They were still smart enough not to go to the same space though. 

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