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Career 1st time 1k challenge!


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First of all, sorry if my English isn't good enough.

I recently started playing FMM23 and after a few houts into the game and looking forums, I started a save for playing the 1k challenge.

I took Celtic, as i saw it was a good club for trying. This is my first attempt ever. I decided to go with Tezgel. Here are the stats before the start of the season. I also bought Dost to mentor him and upgrade his aerial.



I've completed the first season and I won the championship, but I lost both cups in semifinals and I was humillated in both UCL and UEL.

Tezgel enden up with a total of 29 goals in his first season. Not bad, but could be better as I've seen from other players here in Vibe. I would love some recomendations and suggestions for making him improve more and score more goals.

Here's his best game, at the end of the season, where he scored a poker.


Here are the stats After the first season and also the team stats.




Thank you so much, and I hope I'll reach 1k goals with your help. Love the game.

Season 1: 29 goals.

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Good start ! U can reach 1k !! For help sign only wonderkids for each POSITION... Focus on Winger and WBS ... They are equally important as Strikers....

Edited by P.Rahul
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Well, it's the end of the second season, and I have a very important question. How can I make him improve more? During the second season, Tezgel just improved a little bit his stats. Here they are:



On the other hand, this season i've seen an improvement on his scored goals, with a total of 49! He helped me win the Premiership and the two scottish cups. This season I competed in the UCL and ended up as 2nd in a stage group with PSV 1st, Barça 3rd and Benfica 4th! What a run, but in the next round, I faced Bayern Munich and got humbled, but things are looking good!



Season 1: 29 goals

Season 2: 49 goals

TOTAL: 78 goals

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1st u need to improve his leadership quality to 10 than use Milan duric who improve his heading + team work .. make sure sign those mentors for ur striker who has leadership attribute of 18-20 and teamworks attribute also 18-20.. if ur Strikers has low leadership attribute... (U can sign milan duric as loan player for 1 season) or u can simply sign Elliott for improving Aerial attribute only but u still need to improve his leadership attribute to 10.. 10 is must otherwise even Aerially storng mentors also improve his leadership which is not good .. so 1st focus on improving leadership attribute..

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5 hours ago, P.Rahul said:

1st u need to improve his leadership quality to 10 than use Milan duric who improve his heading + team work .. make sure sign those mentors for ur striker who has leadership attribute of 18-20 and teamworks attribute also 18-20.. if ur Strikers has low leadership attribute... (U can sign milan duric as loan player for 1 season) or u can simply sign Elliott for improving Aerial attribute only but u still need to improve his leadership attribute to 10.. 10 is must otherwise even Aerially storng mentors also improve his leadership which is not good .. so 1st focus on improving leadership attribute..

Oh.. okey, will try that. Also, should I focus on improving his stamina? Usually I have to sub him every game because he gets tired 

Edited by case994
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For improving stamina u have to rest ur players properly... In 1st 2 Season.. Midfielder can improve easily by BBM training but not Strikers u need atleast 2 fitness coaches to improve stamina..

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19 hours ago, case994 said:

Oh.. okey, will try that. Also, should I focus on improving his stamina? Usually I have to sub him every game because he gets tired 

When I do my own goal-scoring challenges, the first thing I aim to improve is the player(s)' stamina, around 15 is what I aim for. The way I see it, the longer he can last on the pitch, the more chances he'll have to score goals. That's just my approach though, doesn't necessarily mean it's the right one.


On 07/06/2023 at 06:00, case994 said:

How can I make him improve more? 

Similar to what @P.Rahul said, mentoring will do wonders for Tezgel. Dost should be more than good enough, just make sure that he's improving Tezgel's heading since that's what you're focusing on growing. To add on to that, what I do is when the mentoring progress message pops up, I'll "reset" the mentorship (i.e cancel it and then set it up again) until the mentoring is no longer fruitful (When you go into the "mentoring" tab and see a red line between the two players). I'm not sure if that will help grow his stats faster, but I do know it'll pass on more favourable personality traits (like "Hardworking", "Professional", etc.), which will help in the long run. Might be a bit too late since you're already 2 seasons it, but worth trying out anyways.

Other than that, sometimes youth players' growth will stall for a while, I'm not exactly sure why. So it is normal to see some lackluster progress during a season, but if it persists well into season 3 (and hopefully not beyond), then either your coaching staff needs tweaking, or you just got incredibly unlucky and rolled a low PA for Tezgel when you started the save. 


Nevertheless, good luck with your save! It's a decent start, just keep at it and you'll be just fine ^w^

Edited by BakaSotong
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Well, it's the end of season 3. This time I won the 2 cups and the league, without losing any game and just 1 draw! The Celtic Invencibles. In the UCL, I got eliminated by Manchester City in the extra time, so I think I'm on the right path.

Tezgel did improve a little, but he scored 47 goals, two less than the last season. I dont know if I'm doing things right, because when mentoring Tezgel doesn't improve, it appears a red line. I did buy Weghrost because of that, but also has a red line with Tezgel. 


Do you guys know how can I improve my tactic? I see that a lot of other players score goals instead of Tezgel, like Galeno, he scored 23 goals. (Sorry, I have the game in spanish, Ariete=TF, EXT=Winger, CRP=BWM, OAD=AP, CAR=Full winger)


Season 1: 29 goals

Season 2: 49 goals

Season 3: 47 goals

TOTAL: 125 goals.

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12 hours ago, case994 said:

Do you guys know how can I improve my tactic? I see that a lot of other players score goals instead of Tezgel, like Galeno, he scored 23 goals. (Sorry, I have the game in spanish, Ariete=TF, EXT=Winger, CRP=BWM, OAD=AP, CAR=Full winger)


One thing I'd definitely change is the instructions for width, from "narrow" to "wide". When set to the former, the wingers act more like strikers, which I doubt is what you're aiming for and would most likely explain why Galeno has so many goals (@DanEnglish made a great write-up talking about this alongside a whole bunch of other insightful stuff, you should check it out here). Other than that, I don't see anything else too obvious that I'd adjust. My advice is to turn "extended highlights" on during a match, and watch how your players play and adjust accordingly to get the kind of playstyle you want. All the best!

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@BakaSotong - thanks for tagging me, I hadn’t noticed the OP posted his tactic and asked for help 👍 

@case994 - Baka is right. On narrow width, your wingers are coming inside, acting like central STs, stealing goals from your main ST. Wide width (or a different role - wide APs?) should solve that.


Good luck! 👍 

Edited by DanEnglish
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Oh yeah, it is that time of the season. Tezgel is on a very deserved vacations after this season. He did a very good season, scored more goals but.. not only that, we WON the UCL!!!

We had a very good season, unbeatable in the league and domestics cups, knocking off Hertha, Juventus and Bayern on the UCL and feeling good for the semifinals vs PSG after a very competited 1-1 first match of the semifinal. But then the unthinkeable happened.. we lost a league match just before the semifinal🥶 (We got fmmed)


I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit mad and afraid I would lose the semifinal... But this team is strong and, after the game of the season, we reached the final versus Manchester City. First Mbappe and then Haaland, gotta love it.



As for Tezgel, he ended up with 66 goals. A better number, but I think he still needs to have greater numbers. I also think I reached his maximum potential because he doesn't have any number after the games and the bar doesn't show up. 

I'm trying to get to manage England, but I dont recieve any offer and any International squad wants me. What sould I do?

Btw, here are the stats of Tezgel and the season:


Season 1: 29 goals

Season 2: 49 goals

Season 3: 47 goals

Season 4: 66 goals

TOTAL: 191 goals


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On 05/06/2023 at 15:01, case994 said:

First of all, sorry if my English isn't good enough.

I recently started playing FMM23 and after a few houts into the game and looking forums, I started a save for playing the 1k challenge.

I took Celtic, as i saw it was a good club for trying. This is my first attempt ever. I decided to go with Tezgel. Here are the stats before the start of the season. I also bought Dost to mentor him and upgrade his aerial.



I've completed the first season and I won the championship, but I lost both cups in semifinals and I was humillated in both UCL and UEL.

Tezgel enden up with a total of 29 goals in his first season. Not bad, but could be better as I've seen from other players here in Vibe. I would love some recomendations and suggestions for making him improve more and score more goals.

Here's his best game, at the end of the season, where he scored a poker.


Here are the stats After the first season and also the team stats.




Thank you so much, and I hope I'll reach 1k goals with your help. Love the game.

Season 1: 29 goals.

Please can you share tactics 

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