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Chat AI/Computer try really hard to defeat me?


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Hi guys.

Sometimes just felt that the AI is trying hard to defeat me in the game, even when I'm using weaker team.

This happen in this match : I'm using Monza, didn't activate budget in first window and only start buy players in winter window (and transfer budget of £3m... Smh). Only get Musacchio free transfer in summer and buy Cordoba and Allende (2 cheap players that can do good for not so big teams) so you know we aren't that good.


We are winning 2-0, quite comfortably, and then this happened


suddenly my players played like headless chicken and gifted 4 goals to them. Even substitution didn't change anything. And Jovic and Gonzalez played like prime Ronaldo and Messi there.

This is two players that made crucial error, they aren't best but not too bad 


And these kind of thing happened quite often to me. Some times they just giving penalty, sometimes just lucky 60ft goals... This is making me crazy sometime.

Is this kind of thing also happened to you?

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In case you want to know, this is the tactic I use :


And this is the table after that match.


Their Jovic and Gonzalez, well they have higher speed, movement and overall quality but these kind of thing shouldn't be happening. 4 times. In a match 😂



Edited by Ariza8
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Before to go in detail into the statistics, a question: are you using all the time the "overload" mentality?

Monza is not the best team suited for that, but I think even with City sometimes you could loose some games. 

This is well demonstrated by "that match". The team is too high on the pitch and you are exposed to the pacey attackers of Fiorentina with a plenty of space behind your defence.

Moerover adding a balanced defensive line to overload mentality stretch your formation along the pitch. There is too much distance among defence, midfield and attack. 

Your slow central defenders are the icing on the cake. 

You can do this test: ask your assistant if he agrees with overload. Start from here to try some modifications. 

Hope you can have your revenge on the return game!

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@Migraz makes some excellent points 👍 

Basically in possession - you are playing with 8 attackers + 2 defenders, especially as your on overload mentality.

The opposition AI will often increase their tactic’s mentality (e.g. towards attacking / overload) as a match progresses, with the aim of them trying to equalize / win.

Thats means you are attacking with 8 players, they get the ball, and smash you on the counter attack repeatedly. 

When you’re trying to keep a narrow lead, try being more defensively solid - for example:

  • Change your mentality to defensive / balanced.
  • Change your WBs to FBs / DFBs.
  • Change your RP to an Anchor.
  • Maybe change your B2Bs to normal CMs.
  • Maybe change away from ‘all over’ pressing.
  • Personally I’d also move the IFs back to DWs / WMs, change my ST to an AMC (so it becomes a 41410 !)

In recent FMMs, I very rarely throw-away a narrow lead using these kinds of defensive tweak 👍 

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Thanks for input.

Yeah, I understand all those points. I also know that I risk getting goals in, with the way I set up my team. Especially with Monza, a team that is near the bottom, quality wise.

I just dislike the way I conceded goals. If its because of counter like the third goal it's okay, but the 1st, 2nd and 4th goals was like, my defender stopped playing and just giving the ball away to the attacker.

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