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Help Can't win even with Bayern


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On Original ME, and I can't win even with Bayern Munich with 15 shots on target...Did many FM/CM 'vets' complain Mobile version is too easy again?






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Question - can you share (1) your fixture page so we can see your past results? Or (2) the league table to see your performance so far? Plus (3) a screenshot of your main central ST.

Why - as one match doesn’t help much, however if you’re scoring <1 is goal per game, then that’s definitely a problem.

Guide - you can check my guide to ‘scoring more goals’ by evolving your 41221 tactic <here>

Tip - I do wonder if your STs non-dominant aerial / strength is causing problems, considering

  • you’re playing a lot of crosses (with a WB, a FB, and ‘mixed’ passing focus),
  • plus a lot of long / direct balls to him (‘mixed’ passing style),
  • with little support - as the IFs will stay wide until they get the ball (especially on normal wudth), so it’s only your AP who could support your ST if he receives a long / direct ball.

Just some thoughts - though I don’t use the original match engine 

Edited by DanEnglish
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On 18/07/2023 at 03:10, Schwantz34 said:

I don't think many people on here still use the OME  in all honesty.

Is FMM2023 EME more easily exploitable than OME then? In terms of 'plug-and-forget" formation & tactics

So that Bayern Munich can beat even teams like Benfica

(Unfortunately have to create a new game file to use EME)

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2 hours ago, julystork said:

Is FMM2023 EME more easily exploitable than OME then? In terms of 'plug-and-forget" formation & tactics

So that Bayern Munich can beat even teams like Benfica

(Unfortunately have to create a new game file to use EME)

EME is more challenging and it's what most of the tactics posted here will be using.


You might find the odd OME tactic posted now and again. Plug and play doesn't really exist in the EME.

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Hi, just a thought based on the posted info. Try to balance more your formation in terms of roles. I try to explain... 

On the left lower part of the pitch you have a group with WB + BPD + AP (+ RP). On the right lower part a FB + CD +CM (+ RP). 

With ball possession your formation will be very unbalanced on the left. You have all the creative/offensive sparks there, with a concentration of roles that tend to leave their standard position. 

This causes 2 kind of problems :

- you leave easily free spaces for opponents (even weaker teams can catch the only one occasion they have) 

- too many creative players in a too little space (they can disturb each other and increase errors in making play) 

If you want to change the minimum, swap the AP with CM or the BPD with CD. I would also change the role for the RP. 3 playmakers in the center of the pitch are too many, imo. 

Edited by Migraz
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