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Help Plz help to improve my tactic.


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I prefer to play with 4231. But when i use midfield in Cm position i feel it easy to lost score. So i change midfield to DM position  but some game i can’t get score.


*my tactic when i use midfield in CM*


*my tactic when i use midfield in DM*


*Attack and Defence*

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If you’d like some specific advice, can you post screenshots of your STs + Trequesta’s attributes? 🙂 

If you’d like general advice, then my guide on evolving your 41221 / 4231 tactic to score more goals may help <here>

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16 minutes ago, DanEnglish said:

If you’d like some specific advice, can you post screenshots of your STs + Trequesta’s attributes? 🙂 

If you’d like general advice, then my guide on evolving your 41221 / 4231 tactic to score more goals may help <here>


My Trequesta



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Some suggestions on your 4231:

  • AMC - your Odegaard would be better as an AP (not a Treq.) mainly due to his weak shooting. This is good for your tactic as it gives another central passing option to link your defense and attack.  
  • Tempo - have you tested a ‘normal’ tempo (not fast)? As fast is asking your defenders to play the short passes forward quickly, but they’re not many good passing options fir them. So you may lose the ball a lot.  
  • Crossing - have you checked how many headers Nino is winning / how many crosses are completed!? With Nino’s 15 aerial + strength, he’s good in the air, but not dominant. If his % is good (+40%), then maybe have two WBs. If his % is low (<20%), then maybe don’t have any WBs + turn off ‘overlap’.  
  • BWM - at the start of EVERY match (e.g. in the first 5-10 mins), check the opposition formation / roles to ensure your BWM is on the same side / flank as their most defensive DM/MC. Otherwise he’ll be overloaded trying to mark two opposition midfielders. 
  • IWB - if you’re not going to have 2x WBs, consider having an IWB on the same side as your B2B. Then in possession you’d have another player alongside your BWM, to help connect play up to your front 5.

Just some ideas. Thoughts? 🙂 

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1 hour ago, DanEnglish said:

Some suggestions on your 4231:

  • AMC - your Odegaard would be better as an AP (not a Treq.) mainly due to his weak shooting. This is good for your tactic as it gives another central passing option to link your defense and attack.  
  • Tempo - have you tested a ‘normal’ tempo (not fast)? As fast is asking your defenders to play the short passes forward quickly, but they’re not many good passing options fir them. So you may lose the ball a lot.  
  • Crossing - have you checked how many headers Nino is winning / how many crosses are completed!? With Nino’s 15 aerial + strength, he’s good in the air, but not dominant. If his % is good (+40%), then maybe have two WBs. If his % is low (<20%), then maybe don’t have any WBs + turn off ‘overlap’.  
  • BWM - at the start of EVERY match (e.g. in the first 5-10 mins), check the opposition formation / roles to ensure your BWM is on the same side / flank as their most defensive DM/MC. Otherwise he’ll be overloaded trying to mark two opposition midfielders. 
  • IWB - if you’re not going to have 2x WBs, consider having an IWB on the same side as your B2B. Then in possession you’d have another player alongside your BWM, to help connect play up to your front 5.

Just some ideas. Thoughts? 🙂 

That’s very good ideas. Thanks a lot.

I have some question about BWM

-If opposition formation is 41221 like

           AP           CM


So i should set my midfield like


        BWM       BTB

because my BWM is on the same CM not AP right?


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