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Chat Fm23 very Easy????


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I noticed that on fm23 there is something wrong. if you learn to manage the form of the players and the dialogues during the match, the game becomes too easy. Whatever tactic is used (offensive or defensive) after a short break-in period it becomes too competitive. Any tactic that is edited is then always competitive. I always start new bailouts that after half a season leave me with enthusiasm. Have you also encountered this problem?

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18 hours ago, Pinuccio said:

Noté que en fm23 hay algo mal. Si aprendes a administrar la forma de los jugadores y los diálogos durante el partido, el juego se vuelve demasiado fácil. Cualquiera que sea la táctica utilizada ( ofensiva o defensiva ) después de un breve período de rodaje, se vuelve demasiado competitiva. Cualquier táctica que se edite es siempre competitiva. Siempre comienzo nuevos rescates que después de media temporada me dejan con entusiasmo. ¿También has encontrado este problema?

Hello, how do you manage the dialogues?

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On 18/08/2023 at 21:37, Pinuccio said:

I noticed that on fm23 there is something wrong. if you learn to manage the form of the players and the dialogues during the match, the game becomes too easy. Whatever tactic is used (offensive or defensive) after a short break-in period it becomes too competitive. Any tactic that is edited is then always competitive. I always start new bailouts that after half a season leave me with enthusiasm. Have you also encountered this problem?

I can say that dialogs and morale give a great boost. Someone said they are ineffective... This is not true, IMO

Is this boost too heavy? I think the level is influenced also by the dominant mental traits you have in the squad... When positive traits are dominant the boost is significant. And also is very quick to recover bad morale (it takes sometimes only a friendly match to have a player back "on fire"). A "motivational" coach profile increase the speed of changes as well as the reputation. 

This is not the case when you have many players with negative traits. 

Let me cite an example. Javairo Dilrosun. 

He is not calm enough to manage the rotation status. It took almost half a season to change his morale to good playing in the reserves. Then I was "forced" to include him always in the starting XI... But the results were impressive (I won three trophies with Herenveen with a big contribution from him). 

So I think that basically the dynamics is quite realistic. Maybe it can be tuned further in next edition. 

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Il 19/8/2023 alle 23:08, Migraz ha dichiarato:

Posso dire che i dialoghi e il morale danno una bella spinta. Qualcuno ha detto che sono inefficaci... Questo non è vero, IMO

Questa spinta è troppo pesante? Penso che il livello sia influenzato anche dai tratti mentali dominanti che hai in squadra... Quando prevalgono i tratti positivi la spinta è notevole. Ed è anche velocissimo a recuperare il morale basso (a volte basta un'amichevole per riavere un giocatore "in fiamme"). Un profilo di coach "motivazionale" aumenta la velocità dei cambiamenti oltre che la reputazione. 

Questo non è il caso quando hai molti giocatori con tratti negativi. 

Consentitemi di citare un esempio. Javairo Dilrosun. 

Non è abbastanza calmo per gestire lo stato di rotazione. Ci è voluta quasi mezza stagione per cambiare il suo morale in un buon gioco nelle riserve. Poi sono stato "costretto" ad inserirlo sempre nell'XI titolare... Ma i risultati sono stati impressionanti (ho vinto tre trofei con l'Herenveen con un grande contributo da parte sua). 

Quindi penso che fondamentalmente la dinamica sia abbastanza realistica. Forse può essere ulteriormente perfezionato nella prossima edizione. 

that extra pinch of difficulty that would make the game more fascinating.

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On 19/8/2023 at 16:13, Marcelito17 said:

Ciao, come gestisci i dialoghi?

I can't give you a standard rule, I also vary based on the opponent. Weak opponent I don't put pressure, strong opponent I put pressure. if i lose reproach. But I always talk to every single player rewarding them if they trained well or had a good match. I use a lot of individual dialogues.

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It’s a good question.

I feel FMM23 (and previous versions) are as easy (or difficult) as the challenges you set yourself.

Easy - take any weak team, rebuild the squad (inc. free loans), with a good tactic => you’ll eventually succeed  

Harder - doing the same thing, but with ‘academy only’, or ‘only free transfers’, or ‘sell £100m net every season’, or other restrictions which make it harder.

Very Hard - do ALL of the above, or make your own niche tactic (e.g. counter-attack style, long ball style, defender-less, etc)

So it depends on what you want 🙂 

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On 21/08/2023 at 00:17, Pinuccio said:

that extra pinch of difficulty that would make the game more fascinating.

Correct. I think in mobile version you have far less leverages to maintain the fascination because for example the AI is not so much developed. On PC you can win but you need to evolve and change more if you want to make a several seasons cycle because the AI learns far more from you. 

As @DanEnglish said, you can set harder conditions by yourself and the game could becomes very very frustrating 🙂

I think with just an update of the 'financial part' of mobile version you could raise the level of the game. More than achieving sport results, for now it is too simple (too fast) to build a big continental club from a lower division one. 

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