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Help Real players like pedri gavi haaland etc. wont show up


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I cant find any real world player in the game whenever i create a  new career
Its been like that since i first bought and downloaded last year
Even the app is up-to-date 
Can someone help?
is it related to the starting pop up of player picture download that 200 mb one>

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On 23/08/2023 at 03:45, KSHITIJ123 said:

but havent downloaded the player picture pack bcz of storage issue on phone

Same bro 

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The player pictures don't affect whether you get real names or not. There are two things that can affect that:

  • There is a setting called something like Use Real Player names under Settings > Starting Configuration (only affect new saves, no existing ones), so maybe you have this turned off
  • Or there is the game protection mechanism (only purchased versions get real names, not illegally download versions).

If you have the setting correct and you purchased it properly and you still don't get real names, then you need to go the SI Games site and ask for help from their support team.

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