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News FMM24 - New Features Revealed + Screenshots


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10 hours ago, sussexpob said:

Of course, I do sympathise with people who don't use Netflix in general, as signing up just for one game is way too expensive. But being realistic, I dont think people can really attack the developers for wanting to do it - one only has to see how many big directors have made Netflix exclusive blockbuster type films (Scorsese, del Toro, Coen Brothers) to see it must be really attractive to be on their books. And it gives a real opportunity for new users to have a free test of the product, and build a stronger fan base. 

It sucks for some people, but as a business model its pretty sound. 

And I guess the way Netflix have being buying indie game developers to try to build their gaming platform, adding an established named title to their portfolio is a real way they can start to get this part of their gaming offering a shot in the arm. 

So to me, it makes sense. 

Additionally, if it means we finally get a game that actually feels like its had some work done to it, rather than one new pointless feature bolted on, then I will be very happy.... but then again, I have a Netflix account, so maybe I am biased. 

Going to Netflix is the solution for the business when you are in trouble. When you have spread a game version for every kind of console (read: more expensive developments than mobile) even if the standard console player is just bored after half a season of a FIFA career. 

Moreover these hybrid versions, having a console game price, are more expensive and are less considered by the strong fan base which on contrary works on the mods, on editing, creates contents. 

The only way to bring strong features is reducing the product portfolio, they won't be introduced thanks to Netflix. 

Anyway let's see the numbers and I will have no problem to admit I'm wrong.

Last but not least, I have a Netflix account but what if after a year Netflix increase the price (cause the offer you also games...)? To continue to play the game you will be forced to accept everything from them. 



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I have played this game since the commodore amiga days. 30 years I have been playing this including the Xbox version and every mobile version since the psp.

I have a Netflix account also, this is an end of a era for me, 30 years of supporting SI Games has ended with this decision. I will not be renewing the game this year or any other year through Netflix 

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I was just thinking the other day about how I more than likely wouldn’t buy the game this year, so this Netflix news has just confirmed that I definitely won’t be playing it.

It’s a bit sad, as I can’t see the link between the game and Netflix. I understand there’ll be something there financially, but surely there has to be a strong link between the two products for it to be the only way to play the game.

I’m not even that surprised, really, in the current clown world we live in.

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The Netflix thing sucks horribly, but @Ian's back so my day is just that little bit brighter! And I will soon (tomorrow probably) be re-posting a challenge that he won last time - we have 7 weeks until it all becomes real, so let's have some fun in the meantime.

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3 hours ago, FuddledFox said:

Netflix deal has saved the mobile game.

I know you summarised the blog post, so I'm not referring to you.

Netflix or the future of the mobile version is a false dichotomy. Most games get buzz by having substantial updates (often without selling a new edition either), not being saved by Netflix

The "potential to reach a larger audience" might end up a spotlight on the dated graphics and the clunky UI from years of "We use the old one, but this edition there's a new page" as well. At least that's the first impression of people watching me play FMM

Edited by Meow
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From the same blog site. FAQ section. 

This is REALLY sarcastic... 😶😶😶


And these are the 3 rows for the disappointed... 



Edited by Migraz
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Reading between the lines, the blog post could be rewritten as the following:


We're not making enough money off FM Mobile for it to be profitable. We've blamed a declining user base for this, but really it's because we haven't invested properly in the game for the last 8 years and left it stagnating, no matter how hard the team working on the game have worked.

As one last chance for the game, we've sold the license rights to Netflix for them to handle the marketing, and we're running off with the bag of cash. Just like FM Touch 2023 with Apple Arcade, this won't change anything, and will likely be the last game released on the platform.

And you know something? I don't even mind about this decision - it's business, we'll get over it. But we all know inside that this year, FMM24 is going to be yet another "copy and paste" effort with a minor reskin, with maybe one or two feature changes, as it's been pretty much every year since 2015.

It's a huge shame. The team working on the game do a great job with the resource and freedom offered, but it's clear that the SI bosses and/or SEGA really don't see the potential it offers. 

Who knows, I could be totally wrong, and FMM25 will exist, and we'll get a fantastic new game based off the same Unity engine as the other platforms? We can wish, right?

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FMM25 will not happen. This Netflix decision confirms it. FMM24 will be the same game with updated squads and a few AI tweaks, nothing more. SI are putting all their bread in the FM25 PC Unity edition basket.

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6 hours ago, Putzy said:

Who knows, I could be totally wrong, and FMM25 will exist, and we'll get a fantastic new game based off the same Unity engine as the other platforms? We can wish, right?

5 hours ago, Conor said:

FMM25 will not happen. This Netflix decision confirms it.

I'd be cautious with the hyperbole, making predictions like "FMM25 won't exist" isn't productive

But yeah FMM being excluded from the engine update meant I would have skipped FMM24 and FMM25 anyways. Would be on FMM22 now but got too trigger happy when FMM23 updated Youth Graduates.

Too bad that turned out to be poorly implemented, so I just bypassed the whole system by insta-promoting everyone


6 hours ago, Putzy said:

FMM24 is going to be yet another "copy and paste" effort with a minor reskin, with maybe one or two feature changes, as it's been pretty much every year since 2015.

Lol there was a couple years back to back where the colour scheme changed. The last few editions where they've settled on the purple scheme, so it's hard to call it a reskin lol

Honestly I always immediately reskin the game to black/grey, I think it's ugly. Not a criticism just a matter of taste, but I hope this colour choice changes at some point

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17 hours ago, Meow said:

I'd be cautious with the hyperbole, making predictions like "FMM25 won't exist" isn't productive

But yeah FMM being excluded from the engine update meant I would have skipped FMM24 and FMM25 anyways. Would be on FMM22 now but got too trigger happy when FMM23 updated Youth Graduates.

Too bad that turned out to be poorly implemented, so I just bypassed the whole system by insta-promoting everyone


Lol there was a couple years back to back where the colour scheme changed. The last few editions where they've settled on the purple scheme, so it's hard to call it a reskin lol

Honestly I always immediately reskin the game to black/grey, I think it's ugly. Not a criticism just a matter of taste, but I hope this colour choice changes at some point

Do you have a copy of this skin you can share?

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The marker for FMM23 on the Playstore says it's sold 100k+, the next marker seems to be 500k, so it's sold somewhere in that ballpark on one platform.

A quick Google search suggests 1% of the Netflix subscription base plays their games. That's well over 1m people, but you have to wonder how much cross over FMM fans have with the average Gossip Girl enjoyer.

Anyway I just looked up a list of games available on the service and they have a few bangers tbf (Seriously check out Oxenfree) yet those games are available elsewhere. Holding FMM hostage is my issue here more than anything. If it was free with the service yet still buyable in the app store there wouldn't be any issue here.

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3 hours ago, Ashez said:

The marker for FMM23 on the Playstore says it's sold 100k+, the next marker seems to be 500k, so it's sold somewhere in that ballpark on one platform.

A quick Google search suggests 1% of the Netflix subscription base plays their games. That's well over 1m people, but you have to wonder how much cross over FMM fans have with the average Gossip Girl enjoyer.

Anyway I just looked up a list of games available on the service and they have a few bangers tbf (Seriously check out Oxenfree) yet those games are available elsewhere. Holding FMM hostage is my issue here more than anything. If it was free with the service yet still buyable in the app store there wouldn't be any issue here.

Yeah, if Netflix was an additional revenue source, no one would care, but if it's the only one and a large chunk of the loyal fanbase are cut adrift then a LOT of the games biggest supporters are being thrown under the bus...

I wrote this in Discord a few days ago:



Just had a look on Google Play and it only says 100K+ downloads, which means it's been purchased somewhere between 100K and 500K times. That's not much really. Roblox has 500M in contrast (though I guess you don't have to pay upfront for that).

If it were only 100K then... Let's assume iOS is about the same as Android? So you could probably double that and make it 200K sales. How much does FMM cost in UK? £7? that would be £1.4M. Google takes 15% of that, leaving them a little under £1.2M. Then there will be sales tax at the beginning, company tax at the end, etc. Then a share of licensing costs would be attributed to FMM. Then developers don't come cheap, you gotta expect at least 50K per developer and Marc will be getting a LOT more than that. And product people. And marketing. And HR. Then all the support people around launch time (maybe they are loaned from main part of Sega, but there will be a cost associated with that). And superannuation costs (not sure what it's called in the UK). And rent for office space etc etc.

So, if it was close to 100K sales (on Play, plus the same on iOS), they might not be very profitable at all. If it was closer to the 500K end, they'd be doing much better of course (£7M before any expenses). 

It's all just guessing, but I'm expecting when they explain it they will be saying they had to do this for financial reasons and couldn't keep developing FMM at the current profit levels. I thought before they might be angling for investment, but I forgot they are actually a wholey owned subsiduary of Sega, so it's more likely Sega looking at SIGames and saying FM is doing well, but FMM isn't doing well enough, and instead of giving you X money to run SiGames, we'll close FMM and give the money for that over to some other part of Sega that's building an influencer simulation game that will be the next big thing.

and the Netflix deal is the alternative to that... So it was Netflix or... maybe nothing.


So I think it's most likely corporate's fault... Or SI Games fault for not finding a better business model years ago (better DLCs) or improving the game significantly more so there were more profits in the first place and they didn't end up in the Netflix or nothing zone.

But anyway you cut it, it's going to be the loyal fans of the game who are hurt.

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7 hours ago, Pete123 said:

Do you have a copy of this skin you can share?

It's nothing you can't find in the Vibe or the Discord, FMM23's one is on Vibe


6 hours ago, Ashez said:

Holding FMM hostage is my issue here more than anything

For me it's less the hostage part, it's more that it adds another layer of separation between the consumer and SI

As is the scope for improvement between editions is minuscule, last thing I want is them being even less directly answerable to our push for improvement

Functionally, they're in part getting paid to expand Netflix's omnipresence rather than making a better game

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Obviously I don't endorse piracy as that's likely one reason we're in this situation. However I do like how many comments I've seen across the internet saying that's the answer, some self awareness would be excellent. We've almost lost our beloved series due to it not making enough money so people's response is to steal it. Idiots.

Would that even work though as you need a Netflix log in to boot the app. Getting the game isn't the issue, signing in is.


I think the fact it's Netflix is bothering me as it makes little sense on both sides, if it was Prime and they'd say advertise the game during their PL fixtures or their footy documentaries I could possibly see it as a good thing as that's massive publicity. Hell if a Premflix ever happened the cross promotion writes itself.

TBF I want to have sympathy I really do, but they allowed the game to stagnate and they put an artificial ceiling on the game with FMT. They went out of their way to keep the game casual, refusing to push the game on year on year and wonder why the fans dropped off. As said above the series has never seemed a real money maker, especially when you think how expensive licences are so on one hand I get it but it is a double edge sword I guess. Let's not forget even EA walked away from FIFA this year due to the money involved, and they're almost 10x bigger than Sega net worth wise.

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1 hour ago, Ashez said:

advertise the game

To me the promotion of the game is the key to why it’s failing (if it is). In the game is selling approx 200k and 500k downloads a year despite a the only promotion it getting is some social media posts if the game is on sale and a feature release Twitter thread. 

A look around the wider FM community will soon reveal that FMM is considered a joke. The only time you will really see FMM feature on large FM Twitter accounts for example is due to a bug or some superstar striker asking to retrain as a defender. This just creates an impression that the game is not to be taken seriously.

The mad thing is is that there is a decent market out there for a version of FM that strips away all the faff and concentrates on tactics, transfers and matches. Take a look on Twitter or Facebook and many of the older Champ Man and FM games have thriving communities of people playing those games because they want a more simple experience.

The more complicated full fat FM gets the more people will simple not have the time or inclination to play it. Yes there is the console version which plays well enough now consoles let you use a mouse and there is the Apple Arcade version but neither are really quick to play for people that lack time in their lives. I’ve played both the last couple of years and if you have half an hour to play you can perhaps get one match in during that time. We all know half an hour in FMM and you can make some decent progress in a season.

The market is there for a good mobile management game I’m sure but it’s about perception and promotion of the game to make people believe it isn’t simply a joke. Of course the game also needs to do it’s bit to be as big free and make sense as possible. Make a great game that can be charged more for and then promote it as a proper management game option for people that want a stripped down experience.

Perhaps this Netflix deal will help that if more money is invested in the game but I doubt it personally as I don’t see either SI or Netflix having the need it inclination to do that.


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That's a fair point imo, outside of the community you see nothing about FMM, and unfortunately the community isn't what it was. 

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Yeah, it’s so true @FuddledFox. The last time I played the full version it had so many aspects to it that it almost felt like there were a series of chores to do before you get to play a game. 

It’s a shame as FMM now feels like the level of CM 01/02 for me. Just enough complexity to feel like you make a difference and the right level of frustration when things don’t go to plan. 

I don’t really want any new features (e.g, team talks) as such just a refinement of what we have. Work on the game engine and user interface. Things like having the ability to drop/add a league mid game or making a career be able to be longer.

There’s definitely a niche for this level of game.

I’d even play this game if they went completely fictional to stop having to pay for licensing and changed the feel of the game to buy into that. The gameplay wouldn’t change even if you went full fantasy and the players were a mix of elves, dwarves, trolls, orcs,… 😂

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I can't wait to see Netflix shows advertised on all the loading screens, I can just see that now being a hyped new feature 😂

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On 12/09/2023 at 18:53, Pete123 said:

It just needs a changes.txt to make all the player changes and the club promotions and relegations. Here's how you make one:


If we shared out the work we could do all the leagues in a week or so.

I have already done this, Also Promotions/Relegations aswell. - Feel free to add to this and share (I wont charge a monthly subscription)


Note if your making club changes always use the original name shown in FMM23.


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6 hours ago, luke547 said:

I have already done this, Also Promotions/Relegations aswell. - Feel free to add to this and share (I wont charge a monthly subscription)


Note if your making club changes always use the original name shown in FMM23.

changes.txt 197.9 kB · 1 download

You Change players? 

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On 20/09/2023 at 13:19, Fozz_Quaker said:

Although I'm a Netflix subscriber and have been for nearly 10 years now, I can't say I'm amused at this decision, I just hope this doesn't spell the end for FMM...

Same here.  TV shows behind a load of different subscription services has just led to more piracy, I can see this having the exact same effect

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Anyone have any idea if it’s going to be possible to still “mod” the game with changes.txt and facepacks, logo packs etc with Netflix involved? 

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52 minutes ago, Resurgam said:

Anyone have any idea if it’s going to be possible to still “mod” the game with changes.txt and facepacks, logo packs etc with Netflix involved? 

I would think so as the game will still be stored on your device it’s just you will have to log into Netflix in order to play the game.

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