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Help Realistic careers and how to


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How can I have more realistic careers in-game if I manage a team for 2 seasons I can shape them. up to be title challengers by making the right transfers and if you manage a team for long enough you'd be winning everything every season I want to know how I can make a career more realistic like you wouldn't expect Aston Villa or Atletico to be winning everything so yeah just want some tips on how you have realistic careers without severely nerfing yourself 

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Switch one of the narratives at some point. 

I think the too fast way to shape the team is mainly  given the financial aspects not so realistic. Activate that one and the road is much longer. 

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Personally I often play:

  • with no signings + no loans in. So any squad improvement comes from academy graduates (or sometimes extend it to ‘returning players’ like an aging Jordan Henderson returns to Sunderland).
  • with strict wage + transfer budgets - e.g. a premier league team with <50k week wage budget + 5m / player transfer budget
  • a ‘domestic nationality only’ save - so only English players for a championship side for example 
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2 minutes ago, DanEnglish said:

Personally I often play:

  • with no signings + no loans in. So any squad improvement comes from academy graduates (or sometimes extend it to ‘returning players’ like an aging Jordan Henderson returns to Sunderland).
  • with strict wage + transfer budgets - e.g. a premier league team with <50k week wage budget + 5m / player transfer budget
  • a ‘domestic nationality only’ save - so only English players for a championship side for example 

Those are challenges I was thinking about ways that doesn't take away from the realism but makes the game harder in a career 

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