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Chat New league


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The only new league that has been mentioned is Japan so I’m guessing that is it for the new game. Chances are if they added any other leagues they would have mentioned it in the features announcements.

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Thanks for the answer, it's a shame that only one league has been added, I've been playing this game on my mobile since 2012, they are not able to expand the new attributes of the players, for example, long shots, flair, vision, etc.

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Attributes from the full game are combined for mobile I believe. 

Long shots and finishing are combined with the average being Shooting in mobile. but with good long shots they’ll have the likes to shoot from distance trait. 
Aerial might be jumping and heading? 

or did I make this up in my head?


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1 hour ago, MikeF said:

Attributes from the full game are combined for mobile I believe. 

Long shots and finishing are combined with the average being Shooting in mobile. but with good long shots they’ll have the likes to shoot from distance trait. 
Aerial might be jumping and heading? 

or did I make this up in my head?

Nope you didn't make it up. This screenshot shows the combined attributes that I know of:


You only see the combined result in the game (Teamwork, Aerial, Shooting), not the hidden parts of that - but they do still exist in the save file.

As you can see, Flair is also in the save file even if you can't see it in the game, but Vision didn't make it. I think it was incorporated into something else (probably Creativity), but it doesn't exist as a standalone attribute in FMM, not even as a hidden/part one. 

We also know that even though Height IS in the save file, it's not used by the match engine. Instead that is incorporated into the Jumping attribute - so a short player who can jump really high might have the same score as a tall player who can't jump much. Jumping is how high they can get regardless of height or springyness. 

Anyway, I would not expect any new attributes to be added as SI  have been really clear that they want to keep FMM simple and not overloaded with more attributes than they already have...

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8 hours ago, Leminnis said:

@Scratch, which app/program are you using to see that?...

It's AM23, available here: 

Android only. FMM23 only. This version is free, but the FMM24 version probably won't be (and it will be quite a while before it's ready)


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