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Chat Do the game (with fm22 above) have a "not fixed" PA?

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For FMM: Most players who are 23 or younger have a default/base PA in the database, and an actual PA is assigned to them when a save is created. It will be a little higher or a little lower than the the base PA. It's like the full PC game, except the full game has some players with -9 etc, which doesn't exist in FMM. Still the same concept though.

There are some young players who are famous enough or developed enough that they get a set PA.

Players 24 and older get a set PA.

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For example, Lewis Miley has a default PA of 152 in the latest version of the FMM database (v2405), but in one save he generated as having 143: 



And in the next save I created he generated with 158:



Hope that makes sense.

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