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Help Transfers. What and When you must to made transfer


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Hello all.


Please help me with an answers. If someone can made a guide of transfer. What players you transfer, and When you made the transfers? 

I look to buy players or I will rise from my second team?

If I play with Real Madrid or Man City, the players are the best, what I should transfer there?

Please, some tips about this problem.

Thank you!

Edited by SeVen7
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You can make use of your team report screen and there you will find which area you need to make improvement and buy players. Also see your assistant report on your first team players, they would suggest which player is a burden.

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Man city is actually one of the worst teams to manage, and real Madrid. I'm not talking about quality, but quantity. They have too much players, same with real Madrid. You can just play through for a season,  note the important players. You don't necessarily have to play everyone, but test them to know who fits your tactical system more. You can sell them during the July transfer window. Or the January transfer window.

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