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Tactics 3-2-3-2 Flow by Saspinho >> Try it or regret it later!

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post and maybe my last! I'm not much of a post-writer, but thanks to many of you who post content in this community I've developed a taste for FMM 24 and have created a tactic that I consider very consistent.

As I mentioned before, this tactic is inspired by many of the tactics that are shared here by you, so I would like to thank everyone who contributes daily with new ideas and ways to beat this game.

Let's get to the point! The tactic!

This is the tactical scheme I use:


Note: My shadow strikers play with their feet swapped (left foot plays on the right side and right foot plays on the left side) the central defenders play their preferred foot on their respective side (left foot plays on the left side - right foot plays on the right side)



I won't go into great detail about the tactic and will let you draw your own conclusions. Overall this tactic guarantees a lot of goals and a very consistent defense with few goals conceded. However, it is important to remember some tips:

Staff: As a coach, I choose to specialize in motivation. Regarding my coaches I choose: assistant coach - general; other coaches specialized in fitness, attacking and defensive. Ideally, everyone should have the gold badge and five-star reputation. I choose coaches with 3-4-3 formation.

All the tasks are handed over to my coaches. The head coach and head of youth development must be a coach with general specialization.The pre-game and in-game speeches are not done by me either:


Players: Must have the characteristics that are defined as essential for each role they play in the tactic. Use the attribute filter by role:



Note: The minimum value of the attributes will depend on the reputation of the club you train.

Squad size: I like to play with large squads and I rotate players constantly. I recommend at least two players for each position.

Results: I tested the tactic in several different leagues with clubs of various levels. In general, the tactic will improve from season to season and will achieve great results. The hegemony will be guaranteed for many years!







My biggest save with this tactic (with a team from the lowest league in Portugal. I started as unemployed):



I think that says it all for now! It's your turn to test and give your feedback. I'll be here to hear your opinions and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you all! Have fun!

(Sorry for my bad English)


Edited by saspinho
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31 minutes ago, KarsonL said:

Can you show some of your match results and your squads?

Of course! I no longer have some of the saves because I started other games and had to delete them because I had no more free space, but here are some results from the save with Man Utd (ongoing) and Leverkussen.


(the injured player who does not appear in the print is Casemiro)




















I recommend a team with two to three solutions for each position. Games before European competitions always feature reserve players. The cups are also used to rotate players.

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Note: My shadow strikers play with their feet swapped (left foot plays on the right side and right foot plays on the left side) the central defenders play their preferred foot on their respective side (left foot plays on the left side - right foot plays on the right side)

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9 minutes ago, kaaniko said:

Set pieces tactics?

I just changed the corners. I use a strategy that I've seen someone use. Everything else was default.

The corner/free kick markers on the right are left-foot and the corner/free kick markers on the left are right-foot.



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Nice tactic. This is quite similar (but not the same) as @Mushy’s solid 5230 …

… I tested that thoroughly <here> (compared to another 7 tactics) and that solid 5230 was one of the worst ones 😞 

  • Defensively solid - but had 2 consistent problems which I think this tactic would also have (poor press of opposition FBs, and no-one marking the opposition DMC)
  • Offensively poor - struggled to score. Relies on the SS’s making runs centrally + long shots from the midfielders.

Hope this comparison + feedback helps to further improve this tactic 👍 








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9 hours ago, DanEnglish said:

Nice tactic. This is quite similar (but not the same) as @Mushy’s solid 5230 …

… I tested that thoroughly <here> (compared to another 7 tactics) and that solid 5230 was one of the worst ones 😞 

  • Defensively solid - but had 2 consistent problems which I think this tactic would also have (poor press of opposition FBs, and no-one marking the opposition DMC)
  • Offensively poor - struggled to score. Relies on the SS’s making runs centrally + long shots from the midfielders.

Hope this comparison + feedback helps to further improve this tactic 👍 

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Thanks so much for your feedback Dan! Your tactical analysis is simply incredible!

I think the centre midfielder helps to solve the problem of pressing the opponent's DMC. Personally, I'm not in favour of man-to-man marking. I agree with you about the defensive marking of the FBs and maybe that's why my WBs sometimes get lower ratings.

Probably because they're asked to do a lot in defence (marking the full-back and the winger at the same time)

Edited by saspinho
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