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Challenges The David vs Goliath Challenge

Gaz C

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Hi all! 

I came up with what I think is a new challenge a few weeks ago (please correct me if I'm wrong here) and I've decided to share it with you all. 

Let me start by saying that I've been playing Football Manager in its many guises since 97/98, (yes I'm old) and I have a particular interest in transfer restricted challenges with my favourite being pride of a nation. So with this in mind I came up with.. 

The David vs Goliath Challenge 

So the rules are, take over any club of your choosing, but you're only allowed to sign players with the name David in their name somewhere. The aim is to have a full starting line-up of David's, eventually a full squad, and win the Champions League! 

I've tried this with Southampton and AC Milan but to be honest I haven't been successful enough with either to post my own career :'( (I promise this is not normal) but I just know someone out there will be able to do this. My failings have led me to believe this is difficult and that may just coax a couple of efforts out of the community :P

Usual rules apply, own formations, no editors, no restarting etc. 

Let us know how u get on. 

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Here's a few pictures of my attempts to hopefully drum up some interest :D

The legend David Davidson (or Davide Davideson) arrives... 



David Matthews was a grey player that got called up to the England squad! 



This is a beautiful sight to behold... 


Does Ibra always come back as a David? 2 outta 2 so far... 



I did do ok some of the time :(



Edited by Gaz C
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