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Help Training role vs training skill


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Hi all, I have a question on training and how to maximise gains using a combination of training role with a particular skill to see if anybody has noticed any benefits.

For example, with midfielders, if I want to improve stamina, I'd set the player to Box to Box as well as selecting stamina itself. My feeling would be that, given stamina is a key for the BTB, their stamina will improve faster. Likewise, setting creativity as the skill to work on for a midfielder but then training them as a BWM should slow their development logically.

Does this make sense or does anybody else have any different views on how best to maximise gains?

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I know for a ST, if you want to improve Aerial, then training as Target Man helps. 

Other than that, im not to sure - usually I just train on which position I want them to play in. Never really gave certain roles with attribute increase a thought to be honest. 

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Probably the best approach! The other question for me is if playing the a player as one role and training them in a different has any impact on improvement. Often, I'd train a young striker as a CF and play him as a poacher thinking it will make him more rounded but no idea if that makes any difference at all.

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3 hours ago, tomc7113 said:

Hi all, I have a question on training and how to maximise gains using a combination of training role with a particular skill to see if anybody has noticed any benefits.

For example, with midfielders, if I want to improve stamina, I'd set the player to Box to Box as well as selecting stamina itself. My feeling would be that, given stamina is a key for the BTB, their stamina will improve faster. Likewise, setting creativity as the skill to work on for a midfielder but then training them as a BWM should slow their development logically.

Does this make sense or does anybody else have any different views on how best to maximise gains?

I do this as well, it says what stats will improve with each role so I usually look at where that player is weakest at to be honest.

I do however always train my strikers as complete forwards, I seem to get better all round improvements from my strikers and it’s trains the bits I want the most out of a striker. 

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