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Tactics Balanced 4-2-3-1 for a possesion game


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- Mentality: Balanced
- Passing style: Mixed or direct
- Passing direction: Mixed or both flanks
- Tackle: Normal or committed
- GK distribution: Mixed
- etc.: Press up, OT down, counter down

To keep balanced mentality is important because of the large number of attacking players in the front. It means they should struggle with possession of space to attack. To make your men play in balanced mentality, to use your attack-minded a lone striker in more effective way.


- GK: SK or GK
I recommend a sweeper keeper with excellent communication.

- DRL: WB/FB or FBs
Try to make a difference between both sides. I usually use WB with IF to beat the opponent's weak side, FB will be an option of the other side. He usually stays back and help team keep possession. When your oppentents use AF, he will be a good defensive option beacuse of the movement of AF, move into the channel to create a space.

- DCs: CDs
BPD isn't sufficient for 4-2-3-1, because of the lack of players in your deep area.  CDs with good creativity are much better.

Support IF and WB. He will keep balance of your team with FB.

- MRC: AP or DLP
AP is a basic choice against the opponents' CM, especially defensive roles including defensive cm or bwm.
If your opponents construct a solid block of defence, like a pair of DLP-CM(d), DLP would be a better choice.

- AMR: W
He will make space in the wide area.

- AML: IF or W
Creative player would be a good option.

- AMC: CM (play like AM(a/s) in PC version)
Don't use DLP with AP.... It's an ineffective way to make a progress in attack. 

- ST: T or CF or dlf or AF
First option is Trequartista. His movement is the most important factor in keeping possession. Sometimes used as a primary oultet.


Important Attributes: Teamwork, Decision, and Physical abilities





I think I was too fortunate..... :P



*** Always check your opponent's tactical changes. Adaptation is the key factor of my success. ***

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Nice write mate . I'll try it . 

I was making same mistake using dlp with apm

Edited by Nick11
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On 2016. 4. 9. at 22:09, rseven said:

Why not use short pass?

You can use it, but I prefer different styles because of 4231's feature, lack of players in deeper position. I think short pass is much better to use 433 or AP in attaking midfield area.

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