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Career Geordiekrispy's Badge-o-rama - #6 - Ronny's Year - Done


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As I'm working through the remaining badges in between my Ticket-to-Ride seasons. Next up was Badge number 6 -


I have to say, this one was a tough one!

I'm not sure if it was the stop start nature of me playing it, or if it's just a really hard challenge, especially with an aging star...


I think this was the 3rd attempt at the badge and the only successful one.

The first one I played all the way up to November of the second season, but realised he needed to score more than 2 goals per game to get near the benchmark I gave up.

The second attempt I gave up after the first season as I had no where near enough goals in the first season.

Finally this third attempt, I managed to get the right players in early enough so that there was a good amount of chances being made and Ronaldo keeping fit (I don't think I got an injury longer than 10 days in any of my attempts!).


So here are the required screenshots:

Ronaldo's Profile & History;

On 1st Jan 2021;




On 29th May (I know it's not needed, but it shows the end of the season totals);




And again on 1st Jan 2022'




Also I got an award I'd never received before:



I think it's because I somehow managed to not lose a single game...



So that should put Ronaldo's total for the year as:

23 goals scored in 2020

64 goals scored in the 20/21 season

so 40 goals so far in 2021.

Then he scored 38 in before 1st Jan 2022.

Which gives him a total of 78 goals for the calendar year. So bang on the benchmark!


And man it was a challenge, here's his form for the final 20 games, I needed him to score at least 1.58 goals per game, which is a big ask for a 35 year old in a very tough league.




@FuddledFox please add me on to the leader board and I never want to do this challenge again! :)

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Nice one mate. Its very satisfying completing this one, isn't it?! Mine was very similar. Had to really go hard for the the last 10-15 games and managed to get over the line. Well done, again. 👍

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Just now, Dai_ said:

Nice one mate. Its very satisfying completing this one, isn't it?! Mine was very similar. Had to really go hard for the the last 10-15 games and managed to get over the line. Well done, again. 👍

I would say it's a relief to get it finished. I've never been so stressed to get goals. We even had a really easy run into the winter break and Champions League group.

Ronaldo was just getting more and more tired and having to be substituted earlier and earlier. So I had to rest him against the bottom of the table clash, so he could be ready for the final home games.


Plus all the top level players were starting to get their grumpy on for not playing enough and I couldn't sell them as they were on too much money!

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Without having done it, this one feels a bit like driving my first car, where the faster you drove, the more it shook and it started to make weirder sounds. Congratulations on dragging him over the line! 

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Awesome! You done great there mate, it’s a nice one to complete that on. Also that’s  4 Newcastle fans on the leaderboard, no surprise there 😉

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